Lifestyle website focused on houses, home decorating, gardening, cleaning and design. Based in the US, founded in 2021.
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Lifestyle website focused on houses, home decorating, gardening, cleaning and design. Based in the US, founded in 2021.
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Lifestyle magazine and website mainly about the home, interior decoration and gardening. Based in the US, first published in 1987.
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Gardening website providing tips and tricks, photos, ideas etc for many types of garden including ornamental, vegetable etc.
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Lifestyle magazine covering house decor, food and drink, gardening, housekeeping, DIY and related topics. Based in the USA, first published in 1922.
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US-based site all about DIY, home renovation, gardening and interior decor, inspired by the host of “This Old House”.
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Gardening magazine and website featuring urban and rural gardens, advice for gardeners, reviews of gardening equipment etc. Based in the UK.
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