FediMeteo Scotland

Weather forecast accounts for cities in Scotland, using data from Open-Meteo.

Fediverse addresses (organised by city):

FediMeteo Netherlands

Dutch-language weather forecast accounts for cities in the Netherlands, using data from Open-Meteo.

Fediverse addresses (in Dutch, organised by city):

FediMeteo Portugal

Weather forecast accounts for cities in Portugal. Follow your city to receive its weather forecasts in Portuguese in your timeline.

Fediverse addresses (in Portuguese):

FediMeteo Slovenia

Weather accounts for cities and towns in Slovenia. Follow an account to see its forecasts in Slovenian.

Fediverse addresses (in Slovenian):

Haus der Astronomie (Centre for Astronomy Education and Outreach)

Education centre in Germany which holds workshops, summer schools and conferences all about astronomy and related topics. Operated by the Max Planck Society, and created in partnership with the Klaus Tschira Foundation, the University of Heidelberg and the City of Heidelberg.

Fediverse address (in German and English):

Bundesamts für die Sicherheit der nuklearen Entsorgung / Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management

German Federal Government’s office for regulating, licensing and supervising the disposal, storage, handling and transport of high-level radioactive waste.

Fediverse address (in German):

FediMeteo England

Weather forecast accounts for cities in England, using data from Open-Meteo.

Fediverse addresses (organised by city):

FediMeteo Estonia

Weather accounts for cities and towns in Estonia. Follow an account to see its forecasts in Estonian.

Fediverse addresses (in Estonian):

FediMeteo Italy

Weather accounts for cities and towns in Italy. Follow an account to see its forecasts in Italian.

Fediverse addresses (in Italian):

FediMeteo Austria

German-language weather forecast accounts for cities in Austria, using data from Open-Meteo.

Fediverse addresses (in German, organised by city):

FediMeteo Malta

Weather accounts for cities and towns in Malta. Follow an account to see its forecasts in your timeline.

Fediverse addresses:

FediMeteo Germany

Weather accounts for cities and towns in Germany. Follow an account to see its forecasts in German.

Fediverse addresses (in German):

FreeTech Project

Non-profit initiative helping people use technology in a more financially, socially and environmentally sustainable manner, mainly relying on FOSS wherever possible. Provides help to everyone, regardless of technical skill level. Based in South Yorkshire, UK.

Fediverse address (main):

Fediverse address (videos):

Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt / German Aerospace Centre

German government centre for aerospace, energy and transportation research, and effectively the German space agency.

Fediverse address (main account, in German):

Fediverse address (alternate account, in German):

FediMeteo Greece

Weather accounts for cities and towns in Greece. Follow an account to see its forecasts in Greek.

Fediverse addresses (in Greek):

FediMeteo Slovakia

Weather forecast accounts for cities and towns in Slovakia. Follow an account to see its forecasts in Slovakian.

Fediverse addresses (in Slovakian):

Auschwitz Memorial

The memorial and museum at the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp built during the Nazi occupation of Poland. Over a million people were murdered by the Nazis at the camp during the Second World War, most of them civilians including children. The memorial functions as a reminder of what can happen, and campaigns for it never to happen again.

Fediverse address:

Umweltministerium Hessen (Environment Ministry of Hesse)

Official account of the Environment Ministry in the German State of Hesse, handling the environment, climate protection, agriculture and consumer protection.

Fediverse address (in German):

FediMeteo Switzerland

Weather forecast accounts for cities in Switzerland. Follow your city to receive its weather forecasts in your timeline.

Fediverse addresses:

FediMeteo France

French-language weather forecast accounts for cities in France. Follow your city to receive weather forecasts in your timeline.

Fediverse addresses (in French):

FediMeteo Hungary

Weather forecast accounts for cities in Hungary. Follow your city to receive weather forecasts in Hungarian in your timeline.

Fediverse addresses (in Hungarian):

FediMeteo Czechia

Weather forecast accounts for cities and towns in Czechia, in the Czech language.

Fediverse addresses (in Czech):

FediMeteo Lithuania

Weather accounts for cities and towns in Lithuania. Follow an account to see its forecasts in Lithuanian.

Fediverse addresses (in Lithuanian):

Curiosity Drive

Two people driving round Germany in a camper van, posting about all the sights and experiences they have on their epic road trip. (Previously travelled around New Zealand / Aotearoa.)

Fediverse address:

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights

Official account of the Commissioner for Human Rights at the Council of Europe. The Council of Europe is an independent international organisation protecting human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Europe.

Fediverse address:

(NOTE: The Council of Europe is a totally separate organisation from the European Union or the European Council. They just have similar names.)

Canongate Books

Award-winning independent publisher founded in 1973. Its published authors are highly eclectic including Yann Martel, Irvine Welsh, Barack Obama, Scarlett Thomas, Matt Haig, Alasdair Gray, The Mighty Boosh, Miranda July, Simon’s Cat and many more. They also run their own Fediverse server at bookish.community

Fediverse address:

FediMeteo Latvia

Weather accounts for cities in Latvia. Follow a city to see its weather forecasts in Latvian on your timeline.

Fediverse addresses (in Latvian):

Professor Dr Wolfgang Cramer

Ecologist and geographer at the CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique) in France, whose main aim is to do everything possible to mitigate the climate crisis, and help other scientists to do so as well. Works with the IPCC and MedECC, and supports non-violent climate activism.

Fediverse address:

FediMeteo Spain

Weather forecast accounts for cities in Spain. Follow your city to receive Spanish-language weather forecasts in your timeline.

Fediverse addresses (in Spanish):

FediMeteo Ireland

Weather forecast accounts for cities in Ireland. Follow your city to receive its weather forecasts in your timeline.

Fediverse addresses: