Topio e.V.

German non-profit organisation which helps ordinary people “de-Google” their phones by installing privacy-friendly operating systems. They run events to help with this including workshops, exhibitions, lectures etc.

Fediverse address (main account, in German):

Fediverse address (photos, in German):

Fediverse address (events, in German):

The Fedivision Song Contest

An annual event on the Fediverse where people are given a couple of weeks to create a song, then they are published and people on the Fediversevote on a favourite. Usually takes place on or around the time of the Eurovision Song Contest.

Fediverse address:


A non-profit coalition of Dutch broadcasters, museums, arts organisations etc. campaigning for an ethical internet. They organise conferences on this topic, and run their own Fediverse servers.

Fediverse address (main, in Dutch and English):

Fediverse address (videos, in Dutch and English):

Fediverse address (podcasts, in Dutch and English):