How To Do Anything

Bot that matches up random WikiHow images with random WikiHow article titles. This can produce rather baffling, intriguing or horrifying results… Posts at 2 hour intervals.

Fediverse address:

OpenStreetMap RestoBot

Bot trying to help keep OpenStreetMap up to date by posting random restaurants that have not been updated in 5+ years, along with requests for people to research and update the entry.

Fediverse address:

1980s Chiptune Bots

Three bots posting chiptune music tracks from the C64, ZX Spectrum and Atari ST.

Fediverse address (C64 music, posts every 4 hours):

Fediverse address (ZX Spectrum music, posts every 4 hours):

Fediverse address (Atari ST music, posts once a day):

Hip-hop Twitch Bot

Bot that posts when hip-hop Twitch streamers go live. It deletes its own posts after streams have finished, to prevent cluttering up timelines.

Fediverse address:

Quote Me

Bot which generates nice-looking images based on specific Fediverse posts.

Fediverse address:

Magic Aye

Bot that posts automatically generated autostereograms (aka “Magic Eye”), where you have to focus your eyes behind the 2D image to see the 3D image. It can take a while to do this if you aren’t used to the technique, but once it succeeds you will definitely know it has worked.

Fediverse address:

Lunar Phase Bot

Posts current phase of the Moon, including detailed information. It’s an interactive bot, you can @ it with your location to get local information for your area.

Fediverse address: