Personal account looking back at the Commodore 64, creating new pixel art, developing C64 games and sharing retro gaming posts.
Fediverse address:
Personal account looking back at the Commodore 64, creating new pixel art, developing C64 games and sharing retro gaming posts.
Fediverse address:
Bot posting news, screenshots and links about the Commodore 64 computer.
Fediverse address:
Blog featuring news and images about the Commodore 64 home computer.
Fediverse address:
Online shop providing retro computer parts and repairs, especially the Commodore 64, 128, 16, +4, VIC-20, Amiga. Also the Tandy CoCo.
Fediverse address:
Three bots posting chiptune music tracks from the C64, ZX Spectrum and Atari ST.
Fediverse address (C64 music, posts every 4 hours):
Fediverse address (ZX Spectrum music, posts every 4 hours):
Fediverse address (Atari ST music, posts once a day):
Discussion group about the Commodore 64 home computer, including its games, software, hardware etc. (Click here ⧉ for more info on how to use Fediverse discussion groups.)
Fediverse address:
Videos looking at classic home computers of the 1980s and 1990s, especially about repairing their electronics. Machines covered include the ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64, Commodore Amiga etc and many accessories of the period.
Fediverse address:
Retro gaming enthusiast and live streamer, especially interested in the Commodore 64.
Fediverse address:
Posting and sharing screens, videos and news about the Commodore 64, especially related to games. Also occasionally covers other Commodore machines like the Amiga, VIC-20 and C16.
Fediverse address:
Videos about repairing classic 8-bit and 16-bit computers such as the Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64, Commodore Amiga, Amstrad CPC etc. Also repairs games consoles, other tech and accessories.
Fediverse address:
Software engineer, FOSS enthusiast and retro game creator. Currently making new free games for retro computers like the ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, MSX and Commodore 64.
Fediverse address: