Court of Justice of the EU / Cour de justice de l’UE

The judicial branch of the European Union. The court mainly deals with application and interpretation of EU law, resolves cases between national governments and EU institutions, and may take action against EU institutions on behalf of individuals, companies or organisations.

NOTE: This is not connected in any way with the European Court of Human Rights. The ECHR is part of the Council of Europe, not the European Union. These are totally separate organisations.

Fediverse address:

Next Generation Internet (NGI)

European Union initiative which is helping to fund free open decentralised social media like Mastodon and PeerTube, as well as many other libre online projects.

Fediverse address (main):

Fediverse address (videos):

European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS)

Independent supervisory authority which tries to ensure that EU institutions respect the right to privacy and data protection when processing personal data and developing new policies.

Fediverse address (main):

Fediverse address (videos):

European Investment Bank (EIB)

European Union fund which provides loans and guarantees to projects involved with development, climate change and the environment, infrastructure and small and medium businesses. Its aim is to promote the policy goals of the EU, and operates both within the EU and elsewhere. It focuses on projects that have difficulty getting loans within their own country.

(Note: Despite the similar names, this is not the European Central Bank which manages the Euro currency.)

Fediverse address:

The Open Source Programme Office (OSPO)

Part of a European Union initiative to transition to free open source software, OSPO handles the commission’s relationships with the libre software community. This account is not just a feed, they do actually interact, boost, reply, follow etc.

Fediverse address: