Calligraphy, mandala and colouring book artist, also a writer and photographer. Current admin of the excellent server.
Fediverse address:
Calligraphy, mandala and colouring book artist, also a writer and photographer. Current admin of the excellent server.
Fediverse address:
Posts pictures of cats taken from medieval manuscripts, created as part of a course at the University of Bochum in Germany.
Fediverse address:
Fediverse address (course tutor):
Freelance illustrator and calligrapher, calligraphy teacher, also creates medieval-style illuminations.
Fediverse address:
Fan of medieval art, creates illuminations and works of calligraphy, as well as drawing and watercolours. Creates own paints using medieval recipes.
Fediverse address:
Bot posting a medieval book illumination every day.
Fediverse address: