Preserving curated Pico-8 TweetCarts to prevent them being permanently lost.
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Preserving curated Pico-8 TweetCarts to prevent them being permanently lost.
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Pixel artist creating minimalist depictions of complex objects, especially for the Pico-8 virtual game console. Currently working on a shoot-em-up with magic robots.
Fediverse address:
Pixel artist and independent game developer, currently working on a retro styled rogue-like for PuzzleScript. Also interested in the Pico-8 pallette.
Fediverse address:
Discussion group about the PICO-8 fantasy 8-bit games console and the games made for it. (Click here ⧉ for more info on how to use Fediverse groups.)
Fediverse address:
Indie game developer and pixel/voxel artist, currently creating cute little games for the Pico-8 fantasy console.
Fediverse address: