Version of Debian Linux designed for mobile devices.
Fediverse address:
Version of Debian Linux designed for mobile devices.
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Manufacturer of low-price Linux-based smartphones, computers, smartwatches etc. Their products are aimed at technology fans who like to customise and tinker with gadgets.
Fediverse account (main):
Fediverse account (videos):
Fediverse account (European shop):
Version of Linux for smartphones, based on the Alpine Linux distro.
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Independent smartphone company based in Finland, continuing work on a Linux-based smartphone OS previously started by Nokia.
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Videos devoted to the Linux OS, software for Linux, Linux-based phones, FOSS, de-Googlising and related topics. The videos include news items, reviews, features and tutorials aimed at a wide range of skill levels.
Fediverse address (main):
Fediverse address (videos):
Independent site with news and articles about mobile devices running Linux.
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Develops and maintains Ubuntu Touch, a Linux-based operating system for smartphones and tablets. Ubuntu Touch was originally started by Canonical, but UBports took over development and maintenance in 2017.
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Debian-based GNU/Linux distro aimed at mobile devices, with the aim of running Debian on Android smartphones.
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Discussion group about mobile devices running on Linux. (Click here ⧉ for more info on how to use Fediverse groups.)
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FOSS smartphone interface developed by KDE which runs on top of a Linux distribution.
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German company which sells smartphones with pre-installed de-googlised Android or Ubuntu Touch.
Fediverse address (in English and German):
App directory for Linux-based smartphones, listing all kinds of software available for them.
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