Small indie game company currently working on new games for MS-DOS featuring classic 1980s and 1990s style graphics.
Fediverse address:
Small indie game company currently working on new games for MS-DOS featuring classic 1980s and 1990s style graphics.
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Discussion group about the MS-DOS operating system from the 1980s/1990s. (Click here ⧉ for more info on how to use Fediverse groups.)
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Podcast and forum about old MS-DOS computer games from the 1980s and 1990s.
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The hosts also post lots of retro computing stuff:
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Software developer and retro computing enthusiast, collects old computers and creates retro software for MS-DOS such as the FOSS Mastodon client DOStodon and the JavaScript environment DOjS.
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Bot posting a random MS-DOS command every day, along with a description of what it does and a screenshot of it in action.
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Game developer creating 1980s-style retro PC games for MS-DOS, featuring CGA graphics. Also interested in the ZX Spectrum and Psion handhelds.
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Free open source operating system for PCs which is compatible with MS-DOS software. This allows you to run older games and other applications, as well as create DOS-based embedded systems.
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All about retro gaming and retro computing, mainly on MS-DOS PCs of the 1980s and 1990s. Posts include screenshots, video clips, MIDI music and discussion of favourite memories.
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Sharing screenshots and brief reviews of random MS-DOS games, giving impressions of retro titles from a modern point of view.
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Free open source software which allows classic adventure games, graphic adventures and RPGs to run on modern, old and unusual hardware.
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Makes videos about retro adventure games, especially those made by Sierra in the 1980s and 1990s. Note that the videos often feature quite a lot of swearing and adult humour.
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