Free open source operating system for smartwatches, based on Linux.
Fediverse address:
Free open source operating system for smartwatches, based on Linux.
Fediverse address:
Free open privacy-friendly replacement for closed source Android apps that some accessories require, for example some brands of fitness trackers, smartwatches, headphones etc.
Fediverse address:
Electronics artist creating LED installations and custom wearables such as masks, jewellery, head pieces etc.
Fediverse address:
Manufacturer of low-price Linux-based smartphones, computers, smartwatches etc. Their products are aimed at technology fans who like to customise and tinker with gadgets.
Fediverse account (main):
Fediverse account (videos):
Fediverse account (European shop):
News and rumours site dedicated to Apple products including the iPhone, Mac, iPad, Apple Watch etc.
Fediverse address: