Local news site covering upstate New York, USA.
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Local news site covering upstate New York, USA.
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Weather forecast accounts for the state of New York in the USA. Follow an account to see forecasts for that town or city.
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Star Trek convention in Long Island, NY USA, raising money for charity to help marginalised groups.
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Local news site covering Syracuse and central New York state, USA.
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Theatre magazine based in New York USA, distributed as physical copies at plays and musicals. First published in 1884.
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Culture and politics magazine and news site based in New York City USA, first published in 1968. Also home to several sub-sites including Intelligencer, The Cut, Vulture, The Strategist, Curbed and Grub Street.
NOTE: New York Magazine has no connection to New Yorker Magazine or the New York Times.
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Bird photographer based in New York, USA, posting and sharing photos of birds.
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Bot posting pictures of trees in New York City, USA.
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Non-profit online news site covering New York City, USA. The content is freely accessible as the service is funded by members, donors and sponsors.
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Wildlife photographer from New York who takes pictures of local birds, insects and other creatures.
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Urban bird and wildlife photographer based in New York, USA.
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Local newspaper and website covering Staten Island in New York City, USA. Founded in 1886.
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US magazine covering politics, culture, social issues, humour and art, also particularly well known for its cartoons. First published in 1925.
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Local news site and television station based in New York, USA, part of the NBC network.
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Discussion group about New York, USA, including news, events, people, places etc. (Click here ⧉ for more info on how to use Fediverse groups.)
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Aviation site covering news, analysis, planespotting etc. Based in New York City, USA.
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Non-profit investigative journalism news site, mainly focused on Buffalo and Western New York, USA.
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News site for New York, USA, covering news, events, culture etc. Run by the non-profit public broadcaster New York Public Radio.
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