Creator of comic book series set in Earth’s distant past, with titles including “Paleocene”, “Pleistocene” and “Parry’n’Carney”.
Fediverse address:
Creator of comic book series set in Earth’s distant past, with titles including “Paleocene”, “Pleistocene” and “Parry’n’Carney”.
Fediverse address:
Amateur archaeology and prehistory enthusiast, shares lots of stories and images related to the ancient world.
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Senior news editor at Stone Pages, a guide to ancient megalithic monuments in Europe.
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Project to investigate hunter-gatherer societies, based at the University of Wyoming USA and the Collasuyo Archaeological Research Institute in Peru.
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Palaeontologist, Executive Director at the Western Science Center in California USA. Amongst other things, Dr Dooley is an expert on prehistoric mastodons.
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Fediverse address (Western Science Center):
Archaeologist and prehistorian, Assistant Professor at Leiden University in the Netherlands. Interested in the relationship between animals and humans throughout history.
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