Non-profit news outlet and print magazine based in Texas, USA founded in 1954 to provide coverage from a progressive perspective.
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Non-profit news outlet and print magazine based in Texas, USA founded in 1954 to provide coverage from a progressive perspective.
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Weather forecast accounts for Texas, USA. Follow an account to see forecasts for that town or city.
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Discussion group about Texas, USA, including news, events, people, places etc. (Click here ⧉ for more info on how to use Fediverse groups.)
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Non-profit local news organisation based in Austin, Texas, USA. It was originally founded as a newsletter in 1995.
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PBS TV affiliate and NPR radio affiliate in Houston, Texas, USA. Founded in 1950, run by the University of Houston.
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Local news site covering Texas, USA.
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Fine art landscape and skyline photography from Texas and beyond.
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Lifestyle and cultural news site for Houston, Texas, USA. Covers restaurants, entertainment, travel, arts etc.
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Magazine and website based in Texas, USA, covering local and national news, food, travel, art, music etc. Founded in 1973.
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Lifestyle news site for Austin, Texas, USA, covering events, food and drink, travel, beauty, fashion etc.
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Runs their own observatory and teaches astronomy at a local observatory, enthusiastic astrophotographer with many publishing credits. Currently based in Texas in the US.
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Newspaper in Houston, Texas, USA. Founded in 1901.
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Local news site for Texas, USA, featuring politics, sport, event listings, culture, food and and more. Run independently from the Houston Chronicle newspaper but owned by the same publisher.
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Newspaper based in Dallas, Texas, USA, aimed at a black audience. Founded in 1954.
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Independent non-profit news organisation based in Texas USA, with the focus on gender and equality. Named after the 19th Amendment of the US constitution, which gave women equal voting rights.
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