Official account of the French space agency.
Fediverse address (in French):
Official account of the French space agency.
Fediverse address (in French):
Researcher posting about satellite communications, space, astronomy and related topics.
Fediverse address:
Research group using data from satellites to monitor sea ice in the polar regions (the Arctic and Antarctica).
Fediverse address:
Professor of astronomy at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan, Canada. Campaigner for dark skies and regulation of reflective satellites. They are also a farmer, and regularly post updates on their farm’s animals.
Fediverse address:
Bot posting very slightly tongue-in-cheek analysis of spy satellite photos.
Fediverse address:
Astrophysicist at Harvard and the Smithsonian, currently working on NASA’s Chandra x-ray observatory.
Fediverse address:
Astronomer and historian, particularly interested in light pollution and dark skies. Author of three books on the history of astronomy, “The Lost Constellations”, “Uncharted Constellations” and “Mystery of the Ashen Light of Venus”. Runs a consultancy business on light pollution and astronomy.
Fediverse address: