Humorous comic strips (often political or social satire) using photos of real life action figures and toys, including transformers, superheroes, Star Trek and others.
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Humorous comic strips (often political or social satire) using photos of real life action figures and toys, including transformers, superheroes, Star Trek and others.
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Comic artist and live streamer, creator of the humorous (and occasionally melancholy) “Loading Artist” and “Plucked Up” webcomics.
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Artist and author, creator of the webcomic “Ten Earth Shattering Blows”, a fantasy graphic novel with mature themes.
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Humorous web comic about the workplace, featuring a dinosaur and a cat.
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Unofficial bot posting XKCD web comics, often featuring stick figures discussing science, technology or other topics.
(NOTE: I don’t normally list unofficial bots like this, but XKCD is licensed under Creative Commons by its creator, and non-commercial distribution like this is exactly what the creator of XKCD is trying to encourage.)
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Talented illustrator, creator of the Pepper & Carrot webcomic (available under creative commons), Krita instructor and a keen supporter of libre software. Many FOSS projects have artwork by Revoy.
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Cartoonist and creator of the “Incredible Doom” webcomic and graphic novel set in the 1990s.
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Online comic set on a fictional world which is undergoing an environmental catastrophe, where the population struggles to survive. (Intended for mature readers.)
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Fun webcomic about amusing adventures of various cartoon animals.
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Mexican animator and illustrator who creates single panel sketches called “Random Vignettes”. Much of their work is released under Creative Commons Attribution licence.
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Cathartic illustrations of birds swearing. No, seriously, they use really strong language!
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Lecturer at the Department of Evolution, Ecology and Behaviour at the University of Liverpool in the UK. Interested in microbial evolution, also co-writer of the webcomic “Luna & Simon” about the world of bacteria and viruses.
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Creator of the humorous and slightly twisted “Extra Ordinary” web comic.
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Award-winning cartoonist and creator of the FoxTrot comic strip, widely syndicated in newspapers across the United States. Amend has also guested on other strips including XKCD and Penny Arcade.
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Salty, surreal, sweary dark humour comic featuring mature humour, witches, Death, robots and lots of random weird stuff.
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Comic artist who makes the webcomic “Bicycle Boy”, a post-apocalyptic sci-fi adventure.
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Creator of the humorous fantasy-themed webcomic “Love and Hex”. Also a librarian and RPG fan.
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Really cute cartoons with a straightforward wholesome feel.
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Comic artist and writer based in London, often featuring sci-fi, environmental and technological themes.
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Cartoonist and illustrator, artist behind the World Of Moose website, and published in UK magazines such as Private Eye and The Literary Review.
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Cartoonist, creator of the Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal (SMBC) webcomic, illustrator of Open Borders, co-author of Soonish.
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Award-winning cartoonist based in the United States, exploring and commenting on social issues in a concise and entertaining manner.
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Artist, web comic/visual novel writer and game creator, usually featuring fantasy characters drawn in a classic cartoony style and a lot of anthropomorphic creatures.
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