Professional illustrator and concept artist, world builder, uses tools like Blender to create 3D concept art. Has worked on Snowpiercer, Batwoman, Supergirl, Good Doctor, Grendel etc.
Fediverse address:
Professional illustrator and concept artist, world builder, uses tools like Blender to create 3D concept art. Has worked on Snowpiercer, Batwoman, Supergirl, Good Doctor, Grendel etc.
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3D graphics artist, often creates retro sci-fi scenes and robots using Blender.
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Discussion group about Blender, the FOSS 3D graphics and animation suite. (Click here ⧉ for more info about how to use Fediverse groups.)
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3D animation and motion graphics studio based in Germany, creators of plug-ins and add-ons for Blender and Maya.
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Official bot account sharing articles from Blender tutorial and news site BlenderNation.
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Professional free open source software package for creating 3D and 2D animations, generating CGI effects for live action, and editing video.
Fediverse address (videos):
Fediverse address (announcements):
3D artist creating CGI renders mainly of Star Trek sets and ships, made entirely using libre tools such as Blender.
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One of the developers at Blender HQ who creates the brilliant FOSS 3D graphics package Blender, mainly focused on animation and rigging.
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Professional community manager and Blender enthusiast. Founder of BlenderNation, owner/manager of Blender Artists, head of community at Sketchfab.
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Highlighting animations and images made in Blender by members of the Blender Artists Community.
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3D artist, environment artist and dev who does lovely designs, animations and 3D renderings. They use Blender to create the 3D images.
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Freelance professional illustrator and 3D modeller, creates gorgeous images and renders including really cute minimalist voxel and pixel art. Often creates works that reference retro gaming and classic computers.
Fediverse address (main):
Fediverse address (artwork):
The film-making team behind amazing open animated films like “Spring”, “Charge”, “Sintel” etc. They also run a platform where subscribers get access to training and assets created by the team, with subscriptions being used to fund open productions.
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Independent 3D graphics and animation studio creating short animated films as well as tools and 3D assets for other people to use. The studio is especially keen on using Blender and other free open source software.
Fediverse address (main):
Fediverse address (videos):