Human-curated news about culture and entertainment, including music, film, food, travel etc. Based in the United States.
Fediverse address:
Human-curated news about culture and entertainment, including music, film, food, travel etc. Based in the United States.
Fediverse address:
Curated feed all about game development using the Rust programming language.
Fediverse address:
Shares lots of interesting art and creative posts from across the Fediverse, covering every genre. The account has been passed from one maintainer to another over the years, which has helped keep it fresh.
Fediverse address:
Sharing interesting photographic posts from across the Fediverse, with the emphasis on artistic photography.
Fediverse address:
Science news service curated by human beings at Flipboard, covering lots of current topics including climate change, space, health and more. Based in the United States.
Fediverse address (Mastodon account, interacts more):
Fediverse address (Flipboard account):
Tech news curated by actual human beings, covering the internet, computing, apps, social media etc. Based in the United States.
Fediverse address (main):
Fediverse address ( account):
Boosting selected watercolour works of art and watercolour-related posts on the Fediverse.
Fediverse address:
Highlighting interesting videos and livestreams on the Fediverse, especially from PeerTube and OwnCast.
Fediverse address:
Human-curated account sharing interesting art and photography posts from the Fediverse.
Fediverse address:
News service compiled by human beings at Flipboard, the news curation site. Based in the United States.
Fediverse address (main):
Fediverse address ( account):