News and announcements from the University of Pennsylvania Department of Linguistics.
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News and announcements from the University of Pennsylvania Department of Linguistics.
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Peer-reviewed academic journal covering theoretical linguistics, published by the Cambridge University Press.
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Non-profit association for discourse studies run by its members.
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A Fediverse discussion group about Linguistics. (Click here ⧉ for more about how groups work.)
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Videos about the etymology of the English language, presented by the historian Dr Mark Sundaram.
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Dedicated to posting about the Shavian alphabet, an attempt to give the English language a more phonetically logical character set. Named after George Bernard Shaw, who funded it in his will.
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Linguist interested in forensic linguistics, cognitive semantics, authorial attribution, threat assessment and stylistics.
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Professor of digital forensic linguistics at Ruhr-Uni Bochum in Germany. Working on social media data using corpus and computational methods.
Fediverse address (in English & German):
Linguist and cat enthusiast, author of “Purrieties of Language” exploring online cat-inspired words, memes, hashtags and other sociolinguistic phenomena.
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Welsh linguist in Philadelphia, USA / Ieithydd o Gymro yn Philadelphia, USA, working at the University of Pennsylvania. Often posts about board games.
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Senior Researcher in Linguistics at the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in France and member of the Academia Europaea. Particular interests language contact, bilingualism and endangered languages spoken in the Balkans and Latin America.
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Print and digital magazine for people interested in languages and linguistics.
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Linguist at the Institut für Deutsche Sprache in Germany. Interested in quantitative linguistics, corpus linguistics, psycholinguistics, text comprehension & comprehensibility, data visualisation, Rstats.
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Free open source software tools to help researchers create experiments in behavioural sciences including psychology, neuroscience, psychophysics, linguistics, behavioural economics etc.
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