Artist and sci-fi fan, paints miniatures, especially from the Warhammer 40k world.
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Artist and sci-fi fan, paints miniatures, especially from the Warhammer 40k world.
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Paints beautiful and intricate miniature figures, often based on fantasy themes.
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Paints miniatures for Warhammer 40k and other tabletop games.
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Discussion group about miniatures for tabletop games etc, including painting, 3D models etc. (Click here ⧉ for more info on how to use Fediverse groups.)
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Mainly painting Warhammer 40K miniatures, and sharing lots of interesting miniature posts from others.
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Painting intricately-detailed miniatures for tabletop RPGs and board games.
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Painting miniatures from Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer 40k, D&D and other tabletop games. Also sharing lots of posts by other miniature artists.
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Discussion group about all versions of Warhammer including Fantasy, 40K etc. (Click here ⧉ for more info on how to use Fediverse groups.)
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Artist recreating scenes from films and popular culture using miniature models and practical effects in great detail.
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Author of humorous sci-fi/fantasy stories and novels. Also creates miniature diorama art using action figures.
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Tabletop RPG fan who paints miniatures, including mecha from Battletech and surreal things like flying cats and pirate turtles.
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Builds and paints scale models, miniatures and dioramas. Covers many genres including sci-fi, fantasy and realism.
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Painting miniatures and terrain for tabletop RPGs and wargaming.
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Builds customised scale models including built-in lighting, especially ships featured in Star Trek.
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Creates portraits of RPG characters, paints fantasy miniatures and makes custom dice.
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Artist creating absolutely stunning miniature scenes and dioramas entirely through intricately made tiny scale models combined with clever lighting, often featuring technological themes. Also a pixel artist and game developer.
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3D artist and D&D/RPG fan who creates 3D printable miniatures for tabletop gaming.
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