German Federal Government’s ministry reducing structural differences between the former East and West Germanies.
Fediverse address (in German):
German Federal Government’s ministry reducing structural differences between the former East and West Germanies.
Fediverse address (in German):
Advises the Welsh government on what infrastructure the country needs.
Fediverse address (main, in English and Welsh):
Fediverse address (videos, in English and Welsh):
Fediverse address (photos):
Edmonton, Canada branch of the worldwide Fancy Women Bike Ride event, a cycling tour in many cities around the planet which draws attention to the need for women-friendly bicycle infrastructure.
Fediverse address:
Aviation and civil engineer, especially interested in the details of aviation including infrastructure, aircraft and emerging technologies such as eVTOLs.
Fediverse address:
German federal authority responsible for essential electric, gas, telecoms and postal infrastructure.
Fediverse address (main account, in German):
Fediverse address (power grid account, in German):
Project to record and monitor power outages in the United States.
Fediverse address: