Bird watcher and wildlife photographer based in the USA. Retired soldier and computer systems engineer.
Fediverse address:
Bird watcher and wildlife photographer based in the USA. Retired soldier and computer systems engineer.
Fediverse address:
Bird and wildlife photographer based in Vienna, Austria.
Fediverse address (in German and English):
Nature and fine art photographer based in Northern Ontario, Canada.
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Photographer and bird enthusiast, also posts about wildlife, plants, and other topics. Based in Illinois, USA.
Fediverse address:
Wildlife and nature photography, based in the Pacific Northwest region of North America.
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Bird and wildlife photographer based in southwest Germany, also interested in generative art and computing.
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Wildlife photographer in Singapore who takes lots of interesting photos of nature including birds and insects.
Fediverse address:
(Note that this a locked account, but owner is fine with people sending follow requests as long as they have profile bio text filled in and at least one public post.)
Retired doctor and amateur bird photographer based in Indiana, USA.
Fediverse address:
Former professional photographer taking lots of lovely pictures of birds, often including descriptions of where the birds are and what they have been doing.
Fediverse address:
Takes photographs of wildlife, often macro photos of tiny things such as insects.
Fediverse address (main):
Fediverse address (photos):
Photographer taking pictures of nature and other topics, releasing all photos under CC BY-SA. Citizen science naturalist.
Fediverse address:
Wonderful photos of plants, nature and the countryside in Germany.
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Wildlife photographer from New York who takes pictures of local birds, insects and other creatures.
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Urban bird and wildlife photographer based in New York, USA.
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Nature, bird and wildlife photographer based in Ontario, Canada. Also interested in plants, flowers and gardening.
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Photographer who takes pictures of nature, birds and other wildlife.
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Lovely photos of nature and wildlife in Scotland.
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Based in the North East of Scotland, takes spectacular photos of the landscapes, nature and wildlife.
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Wildlife and travel photographer based in the United States.
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Amateur naturalist posting and sharing photos of wildlife, especially insects. Interested in palaeontology, natural history, biology, biogeography, taxonomy etc.
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Wildlife photography, especially macro shots of small animals like insects, arachnids etc.
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Sharing links to environmental articles from established news sources, book reviews and photos.
Fediverse address (main):
Fediverse address (book reviews):
Fediverse address (photos):
Hobbyist nature photographer, mainly taking pictures of birds.
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Photographer and natural scientist who takes pictures of birds, plants and wildlife.
Fediverse address (in English and German):
Bird photographer based in New York, USA, posting and sharing photos of birds.
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Amateur wildlife photographer based in the UK, published internationally. Particularly keen on bird photography, but also other animals and nature.
Fediverse address:
Wildlife photographer based in Germany who takes wonderful close-ups of animals and plants.
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Photographer taking pictures of wildlife and nature in Cape Cod MA, USA.
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Professional photographer in Australia who posts detailed pictures of birds and other wildlife. They also have a personal account that often features food and cookery.
Fediverse address (photos):
Fediverse address (food and personal):
Enthusiastic birder, and posts lots of photos of birds, wildlife and the natural world.
Fediverse address:
De Witte Haas (“The White Hare”) is a photographer and guide on Schiermonnikoog, a small Dutch island in the North Sea which is also a national park of the Netherlands. They post wonderful photos and news about the plants and wildlife on the island.
Fediverse address (in Dutch):
Wildlife photography and astrophotography in Germany, especially in the North Sea area.
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Bird watcher and amateur wildlife photographer based in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, USA.
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Photographer of nature and wildlife, chases storms to capture spectacular weather. Based in Ontario, Canada.
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Photographs European birds and other wildlife.
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Bird watcher and wildlife photographer, based on the border between England and Scotland. Also owner of an eBike.
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Posts lots of photos of birds (and occasionally other subjects too).
Fediverse address (in German and English):
Wildlife photographer based in the South Downs, Sussex in the UK. Especially keen on foxes. Runs the Permuted website.
Fediverse address:
Bird and nature photographer based in the UK, posts and shares lots of wildlife photos.
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Photographer who mainly takes pictures of birds and wildlife.
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Wildlife photographer based in Germany, mainly focusing on birds.
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Poet, birder and college lecturer on tech writing and first-year composition. Keen bird photographer, based in Oregon USA.
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Posts and boosts photos of wildlife and the natural world.
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Professional editorial photographer, especially travel photos, and keen to share knowledge about it. Creates beautiful tutorial videos about photography, cameras, lenses and travel.
Fediverse address (main):
Fediverse address (videos):
Nature lover and photographer of birds, lichen, moss, mushrooms and wildlife. Based in Ontario, Canada.
Fediverse address: