Posting vintage American adverts from past decades which unintentionally (or sometimes intentionally?) include LGBTQIA+ themes.
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Posting vintage American adverts from past decades which unintentionally (or sometimes intentionally?) include LGBTQIA+ themes.
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Professor of Law at Harvard Law School in the USA. Focuses on intellectual property law, advertising law and First Amendment law. Also helped to found (and is on the legal committee of) the Organization for Transformative Works, a non-profit supporting fan-created works such as fan fiction.
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US magazine and website about the advertising industry.
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News site about digital media and marketing, aimed at those working in the industry. Based in New York, USA, and founded in 2008.
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Retro photos, adverts and images from American popular culture covering many decades.
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Bot posting adverts from video game magazines of the 1980s and 1990s, posts every six hours.
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