Bot posting the Wikimedia Commons picture of the day.
Fediverse address:
Bot posting the Wikimedia Commons picture of the day.
Fediverse address:
Novelist, journalist and campaigner, especially for reforming copyright law and promoting Creative Commons.
Fediverse address:
Technology writer and journalist, often discussing open standards and copyright, best known for the free software book “Rebel Code”. Moody is also a regular contributor to Techdirt.
Fediverse address:
A free shop in Bochum, Germany, which distributes surplus stuff like clothes and other goods. Anyone can take what they need or donate what they don’t need.
Fediverse address (in German):
Organisation connecting gardeners all around the world, encouraging the use of open source seeds and similar philosophies. Posts in English and German.
Fediverse address (main):
Fediverse address (videos):
Fediverse address (blog):
Maintains a catalogue of free / libre sheet music and recordings, mainly folk and traditional pieces in a classical style.
Fediverse address (in English and Italian):
Official account for Wikipedia, the free open collaboratively-written online encyclopaedia. All its articles are available for reproduction elsewhere under creative commons.
Fediverse address:
Official account for the non-profit organisation that promotes Creative Commons licences and public domain tools for sharing knowledge and creativity.
Fediverse address:
Official account for the free open map of the world that anyone can edit.
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