Photographer from Poland, who takes many kinds of pictures including portraits, landscapes and more.
Fediverse address:
Photographer from Poland, who takes many kinds of pictures including portraits, landscapes and more.
Fediverse address:
Weather forecast accounts for cities in Poland. Follow your city to receive its weather forecasts in Polish in your timeline.
Fediverse addresses (in Polish):
Programmer, hacker, solarpunk enthusiast, educator, activist and writer. Co-author of the Solarpunk Prompts podcast.
Fediverse address (in Polish and English):
Indie game development team based in Poland, releasing on all major computer, console and mobile platforms. Creators of “Oozi”, “I, Zombie”, “Yet Another Zombie Defense”, “Fury Unleashed” and “Yet Another Zombie Survivors”.
Fediverse address:
Polish-language group of activists promoting privacy and user rights on the internet. They also run a podcast and provide lectures and workshops on these topics.
Fediverse address (main, in Polish):
Fediverse address (videos, in Polish):