Magazine and website about mountain biking, including equipment reviews, advice, communities etc. First published in 1994.
Fediverse address:
Magazine and website about mountain biking, including equipment reviews, advice, communities etc. First published in 1994.
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Skiing magazine and website, covering where to ski, equipment to use, weather reports etc. First published in 1972.
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American website about backpacking, hiking and the outdoors. (Originally also a print magazine published from 1973 – 2022, it’s now just the website.)
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Runner and cyclist based in New England, USA. Often posts about fitness and exercise.
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Magazine and website for female runners of all skill levels. Based in the US, first published under the name “Her Sports + Fitness” in 2004.
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Lifestyle magazine and website focused on health, fitness, nutrition and beauty. Based in the US, first published in 1950.
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Surfing and surf culture digital magazine and website. Based in the USA, founded in 1962.
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Enthusiastic and experienced hiker based in British Columbia, Canada. Author of several guide books on hiking in BC and a fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society.
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US-based golfing magazine and golf news site founded in 1959. Intended for both those who play golf for fun, and those who follow the professional game.
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A Fediverse discussion group about cycling and bicycles. (Click here ⧉ for more about how groups work.)
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Cycling magazine and website, covering all aspects of using a bicycle. Based in the US, first published in 1961.
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A Fediverse discussion group about running and jogging. (Click here ⧉ for more about how groups work.)
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Discussion group about fitness and exercise. (Click here ⧉ for more info on how to use Fediverse groups.)
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Bicycle enthusiast who posts about cycling and advocates for better cycling infrastructure.
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British edition of the men’s lifestyle magazine and website, covering fitness, physical health, mental health, sexual health, fashion and travel. UK edition first published in 1995.
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Website all about bicycles and cycling, including news, reviews, communities, advice etc. Based in the UK.
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Award-winning personal trainer based in Massachusetts, USA. Posting about fitness and exercise for people of all backgrounds. Interested in health equity and is an EMT-B.
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British edition of the women’s lifestyle magazine and website about health, fitness, nutrition, beauty and parenting.
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All about hiking in New Hampshire, California and other parts of the United States, including trail maps, route maps and rail trails.
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Initiative based in the UK to encourage walking. They invite small towns and villages to apply for Walkers are Welcome accreditation, which guarantees that rights of way are protected, public transport links are in place and there is local support for walkers within the community.
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A cyclist, unicyclist, Penny Farthing rider and also uses other unpowered wheeled vehicles.
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Online women’s magazine focusing on health, fitness, beauty and style. Based in the US, founded in 1979 as a print magazine but nowadays entirely online.
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Lifestyle magazine and website for men covering fitness, nutrition, fashion etc. Based in the US, founded in 1986.
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British edition of the magazine and website for runners and joggers. Features running events, training tips, reviews of running equipment, dealing with injuries and keeping fit.
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Magazine and website all about cycling, including advice for cyclists, reviews of cycling equipment and coverage of cycling as a sport.
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Rock climbing magazine and website, based in the US and first published in 1970.
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Free open privacy-friendly replacement for closed source Android apps that some accessories require, for example some brands of fitness trackers, smartwatches, headphones etc.
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Discussion group about climbing outdoors and indoors. (Click here ⧉ for more info on how to use Fediverse groups.)
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Women’s fitness magazine and website covering exercise, nutrition, mental health, beauty etc. Based in the US, first published in 1981.
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Discussion group about hiking and walking in the countryside. (Click here ⧉ for more info on how to use Fediverse groups.)
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American men’s lifestyle magazine and website covering the outdoors, fitness, food and drink, fashion, travel etc. First published in print in 1992.
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Magazine and website for people who run or jog at any skill level. Based in the US, first published in 1966.
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Organisation for women’s cricket in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
Fediverse address (in German):
German publisher of magazines about active living, including mountain biking, surfing, skiing and snowboarding.
Fediverse address (in German):
Lifestyle magazine and website for women covering health, fitness, nutrition etc. Based in the US, founded in 2005.
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