A Fediverse discussion group about medieval history. (Click here ⧉ for more about how groups work.)
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A Fediverse discussion group about medieval history. (Click here ⧉ for more about how groups work.)
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Journal of Swedish Antiquarian Research, focusing on Nordic history and archaeology. Published by the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities since 1906. Available in English, Swedish, Danish and Norwegian.
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Organisation founded in 1955 to carry out archaeological research and fieldwork in the London Borough of Enfield.
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Archaeologist at Aberystwyth specialising in marine geophysics, Roman and early medieval history and landscape archaeology.
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Medieval archaeologist and fan of castles and open knowledge.
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A digital library of primary and secondary sources for the history of the British Isles. BHO is part of the Institute of Historial Research, a UK educational organisation founded in 1921.
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Creators of a podcast series covering the history of Ancient Rome, they also use the account to share interesting news and images about ancient history.
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Interdisciplinary platform for medieval studies across Oxford University.
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Medieval historian at University of Cologne in Germany. Focus on Northern European History (England, Scandinavia, ‘Germany’), especially the 10th – 12th centuries.
Fediverse address (main account, in German and English):
Fediverse address (book reviews, in German and English):
Professional historian writing a blog about the history of Venice, Italy. They also run historical walks in Venice for people who want to see things in real life.
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Multidisciplinary research institute in modern and contemporary history located at NOVA University Lisbon and at the University of Évora, founded in 1990.
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Posts pictures of cats taken from medieval manuscripts, created as part of a course at the University of Bochum in Germany.
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Fediverse address (course tutor):
Mouse that helps people learn Latin, with really cute photos featuring Latin vocabulary.
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English-language account highlighting interesting art, culture and history from Portugal and listing museums where exhibits may be found.
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UK organisation promoting the study of prehistoric times. Based at University College London, founded in 1935.
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Senior news editor at Stone Pages, a guide to ancient megalithic monuments in Europe.
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Writing threads about the history of Ediburgh and Leith in Scotland, as well as modern Scottish history in general.
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Series of history books written by Irish academics John Breslin and Sarah-Anne Buckley, featuring colourisations of black-and-white historical photographs by Breslin along with historical context and captions written by Buckley.
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Grassroots collaborative research project investigating the role of dogs, wolves and horses in the Viking and Medieval societies of Ireland and Britain, covering c. 700 – 1400 AD.
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Organisation promoting the study of European environmental history, and connecting environmental historians in Europe and elsewhere.
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Podcast all about the history of the island of Britain, starting from the ice age and moving forward in chronological order. The emphasis is on the human side of history, rather than just giving dry facts.
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Dendrochronologist, woodland heritage specialist and environmental archaeologist in Scotland.
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Historian of medieval women and religion in Europe. Associate professor at the State University of New York at Geneseo.
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Bot posting random examples of Linear A, a Minoan writing system which is still undeciphered.
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Posting informally about interesting bits of Scottish history through the ages, including forgotten stories, science, language, art, people, poetry.
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The web’s oldest guide to ancient megalithic monuments in Europe.
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