Condensed matter physicist and science blogger, physics professor at Rice University in the United States.
Fediverse address:
Condensed matter physicist and science blogger, physics professor at Rice University in the United States.
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Videos about radiation and radioactivity created by an amateur enthusiast. It also features urban exploration of abandoned places that relate to radioactivity, and videos on assorted other topics.
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Discussing physics and related topics. (Click here ⧉ for a guide to using Fediverse groups.)
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Videos about engineering, science and the design of everyday objects. Presented by Bill Hammack, a professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
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Research institute in Germany looking at general relativity, quantum gravity, astrophysical relativity and gravitational-wave astronomy.
Fediverse address (in English and German):
Mathematical physicist at the University of California, Riverside, and a keen science communicator who posts lots of stuff of interest to maths fans.
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Theoretical physicist and postdoc at Dartmouth College in the United States. Interested in condensed matter and many-body physics, especially Fermi liquids, unconventional superconductors and superfluids, topological bosons, Kitaev magnets, and analog materials.
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Theoretical particle physicist at CERN with main research focus on out-of-equilibrium situations.
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Theoretical physicist, professor of condensed matter theory at the Technical University of Berlin.
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Mathematician and blogger mainly working in category theory and differential geometry, with a background in mathematical physics.
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Organisation representing nine thousand scientists in Germany, covering particle, astro, astroparticle, hadron and nuclear physics. Aims to set up a FAIR federated science data platform.
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Managing director of the High Performance Computing Center at Texas Tech University, and adjunct professor of physics.
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Particle physics detector on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Investigating physics at TeV scale, studying properties of Higgs boson, looking for evidence beyond the standard model, studying heavy ion collisions.
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Physics professor at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in the USA. Interested in optical physics, runs the blog “Skulls in the Stars” about physics, optics, pulp fantasy, horror fiction and the intersections of all these.
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Research institute based in Germany, investigating the physical foundations of fusion power. The institute is part of the European Atomic Energy Community.
Fediverse address (in German and English):
Particle physicist at CERN, Switzerland. Lead scientist at the DESY research centre in Germany. Helmholtz Professor at University of Hamburg, Germany.
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Physicist, oceanographer, presenter and writer. Author of “Storm in a Teacup: The Physics of Everyday Life” and “Blue Machine: How the Ocean Shapes our World”.
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Physics-related journals from SciPost, a non-profit foundation publishing open access scientific journals.
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Open access peer-reviewed journal for quantum science and related fields. Non-profit and run by the research community.
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Physicist and writer, author of “Where is Everybody?”, “Measuring the Universe”, “Around the World in 80 Ways” etc. Interested in space, astronomy and the Fermi Paradox, member of the UK SETI Research Network.
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Free open source Python framework for research and teaching in fluid dynamics.
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