Non-profit organisation which runs a news site, PBS-affiliated TV station and NPR-affiliated radio station in San Diego, California, USA.
Fediverse address:
Non-profit organisation which runs a news site, PBS-affiliated TV station and NPR-affiliated radio station in San Diego, California, USA.
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RSS feed of the news service of Japan’s public broadcaster.
Fediverse address (in Japanese):
Non-profit American public broadcaster, syndicated to over a thousand local public radio stations across the US, founded in 1970. Provides non-commercial news, analysis, entertainment, educational and cultural radio programmes.
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RSS feeds of the top headlines from the German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle, available in English or German.
Fediverse address (in English):
Fediverse address (in German):
Radio station network in Nevada, USA, member of National Public Radio. Broadcasts on conventional FM radio and online.
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US public broadcaster, PBS & NPR affiliate in Southern Arizona.
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The UK’s main speech radio station, featuring drama, comedy, documentaries, news etc, also available online. Run by the BBC, the UK’s public broadcaster.
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Security and media analyst at BBC Monitoring, specialising in the Sahel, the Wagner group’s operations in Africa, and conflicts across the continent.
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TV channel and PBS affiliate in Seattle, Washington state, USA.
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News service from the Canadian public broadcaster CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), founded in 1936.
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International news service of the BBC, the UK’s public broadcaster.
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Official account of the research department at Deutsche Welle (DW), Germany’s state-owned international broadcaster. It’s an English-language account as it is aimed at an international audience.
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News radio network of NPR-affiliate stations in Connecticut, western Massachusetts and eastern Long Island, USA. Founded in 1978, winner of many awards including two Peabodys.
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Non-profit organisation in Florida, USA, which runs PBS affiliate TV channel WJCT/Jax PBS and NPR affiliate radio station WJCT-FM. Founded in 1958.
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Showcasing new media technologies, encouraging people and communities to try them.
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News website and TV news programme shown on public broadcasting channels in the US. First broadcast in 1975.
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Brazilian news service of the BBC, the UK public broadcaster.
Fediverse address (in Portuguese):
Site requesting feedback on new ideas from the BBC, the UK public broadcaster.
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News service of TVO, a public broadcasting television network in Ontario, Canada. Founded in 1970.
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Official account of the German public broadcasting network ZDF, founded in 1963.
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PBS TV affiliate and NPR radio affiliate in Houston, Texas, USA. Founded in 1950, run by the University of Houston.
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German national and international news programme from the public TV broadcaster ARD, first transmitted in 1952.
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Brazilian news service of Deutsche Welle, Germany’s state-owned international broadcaster.
Fediverse address (in Portuguese):
News site for New York, USA, covering news, events, culture etc. Run by the non-profit public broadcaster New York Public Radio.
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President and CEO of Southern Oregon PBS, a public broadcasting station in Medford, Oregon, USA.
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Official account for the BBC’s research & development department, exploring and creating new technologies for use in public service broadcasting and online services.
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Network of public radio stations in Montana, USA, providing news, arts programmes and music. MPR is affiliated with NPR, and was founded in 1965.
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PBS/NPR public broadcaster providing news on television and radio for Boston, Massachusetts and beyond. Owned by the WGBH Educational Foundation.
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Fediverse address (photos):
UK 24 hour news & sport radio station, also available online. Run by the BBC, the UK’s public broadcaster.
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