Professional composer who creates pieces in a variety of styles, and also makes free instrumental music available under a Creative Commons licence.
Fediverse address (in German and English):
Professional composer who creates pieces in a variety of styles, and also makes free instrumental music available under a Creative Commons licence.
Fediverse address (in German and English):
Official account for the non-profit organisation that promotes Creative Commons licences and public domain tools for sharing knowledge and creativity.
Fediverse address:
Non-profit online science magazine explaining the latest developments in scientific research and scholarship to a broader audience. All content is available under Creative Commons licence.
Fediverse address:
The film-making team behind amazing open animated films like “Spring”, “Charge”, “Sintel” etc. They also run a platform where subscribers get access to training and assets created by the team, with subscriptions being used to fund open productions.
Fediverse address:
Unofficial bot posting XKCD web comics, often featuring stick figures discussing science, technology or other topics.
(NOTE: I don’t normally list unofficial bots like this, but XKCD is licensed under Creative Commons by its creator, and non-commercial distribution like this is exactly what the creator of XKCD is trying to encourage.)
Fediverse address:
Photographer taking pictures of nature and other topics, releasing all photos under CC BY-SA. Citizen science naturalist.
Fediverse address:
Punk/stoner/grunge rock band that releases its music under a creative commons licence.
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Novelist, journalist and campaigner, especially for reforming copyright law and promoting Creative Commons.
Fediverse address:
Bot posting the Wikimedia Commons picture of the day.
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Massive non-profit archive website which includes digital copies of vast amounts of printed, audiovisual and interactive media. Perhaps most famous for its Wayback Machine which allows people to look at older versions of almost any website.
Fediverse address:
American edition of the non-profit news outlet where qualified experts analyse topical news stories. There are no ads or paywalls, and all text is released under a Creative Commons licence.
Fediverse address:
Official account for Wikipedia, the free open collaboratively-written online encyclopaedia. All its articles are available for reproduction elsewhere under creative commons.
Fediverse address:
French language site that features public domain and creative commons food recipes accompanied with lots of photos.
Fediverse address (in French):
Talented illustrator, creator of the Pepper & Carrot webcomic (available under creative commons), Krita instructor and a keen supporter of libre software. Many FOSS projects have artwork by Revoy.
Fediverse address (main):
Fediverse address (videos):
Bot posting links to new creative commons music tracks on Bandcamp.
Fediverse address:
Mexican animator and illustrator who creates single panel sketches called “Random Vignettes”. Much of their work is released under Creative Commons Attribution licence.
Fediverse address:
Platform hosting creative commons courses on using GIS software. Courses are available to anyone who wants to use them, without any kind of registration.
Fediverse address: