Amateur road and gravel cyclist, posting video highlights from cycling journeys.
Fediverse address:
Amateur road and gravel cyclist, posting video highlights from cycling journeys.
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Cycling enthusiast based in North-West England, has a photo blog about his bike trips.
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Bot posting usage of cycle lanes on Oxford Road in Manchester UK.
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Magazine and website about mountain biking, including equipment reviews, advice, communities etc. First published in 1994.
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Watercolour artist, especially interested in painting cyclists and cycling competitions such as the Tour de France.
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Retired bicycle mechanic giving advice on bike repairs and maintenance, also helping people to fix their own bikes at repair cafes. Based in Vermont, USA.
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German-language Fediverse discussion group about cycling. (Click here ⧉ for more about how groups work.)
Fediverse address (in German):
Cyclist who posts about trips with a cargo bike to get food made in their local area, cookery and baking bread.
Fediverse address (in German):
Website all about bicycles and cycling, including news, reviews, communities, advice etc. Based in the UK.
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Principal Consultant and Instructor in data analytics and data visualisation, keen cyclist, former rocket scientist.
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Videos all about modern urban planning and transport, often using the Netherlands as an example of how to do it well.
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Expert on urban planning and design, campaigning for more public transport, cycling and walking in urban areas. Founder of the Seattle Neighborhood Greenways project.
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Open card game about the history of the bicycle, currently available in French.
Fediverse address (in French):
Organisation that aims to provide free open federated alternatives to sites like CouchSurfing or Warm Showers.
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Bicycle fan based in North America, posts photos and maps from various cycling trips.
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Videos about urban planning, transport, cycling and related topics. Based in Canada, but covers how these issues are handled around the world.
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Magazine and website all about cycling, including advice for cyclists, reviews of cycling equipment and coverage of cycling as a sport.
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Professor of History, sport and environmental historian. Particularly keen on the history of bicycles, posting lots of historical photos, articles and other materials.
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Videos of hiking and mountain biking in the hills and mountains of Germany.
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Promoting and sharing cycling events in Massachusetts, USA. (Also runs the Massachusetts State Bike Tour, which is currently on hiatus.)
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Cycling cartoonist, author of the cycle-themed book “From A to B”, draws amusing and thought-provoking diagrams about sustainable transport and other topics.
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Grassroots activist campaign for better cycling infrastructure in Chicago, Illinois, USA. Organises direct action including bike jams and bike buses.
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Podcast about the fight against car culture in the United States, and the damage done to cities by designing them around cars. Also interested in promoting more cycling.
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Two people travelling the world by bicycle.
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Cycling magazine and website, covering all aspects of using a bicycle. Based in the US, first published in 1961.
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Excellent videos all about cycling and bicycles, including cycling tips, city cycling, bike reviews, bike accessories, maintenance, cycling culture etc.
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A cyclist, unicyclist, Penny Farthing rider and also uses other unpowered wheeled vehicles.
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A Fediverse discussion group about cycling and bicycles. (Click here ⧉ for more about how groups work.)
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German-language bicycle travel blog featuring a really cute toy cat.
Fediverse address (in German):
Bicycle enthusiast who posts about cycling and advocates for better cycling infrastructure.
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Edmonton, Canada branch of the worldwide Fancy Women Bike Ride event, a cycling tour in many cities around the planet which draws attention to the need for women-friendly bicycle infrastructure.
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