Artist creating beautifully detailed pixel art featuring wonderfully lit scenes.
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Artist creating beautifully detailed pixel art featuring wonderfully lit scenes.
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Artist and illustrator who draws digitally in a fairly naturalistic style, often depicting wildlife or landscapes.
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Free open source vector drawing software for Linux, Mac and Windows. It’s a libre alternative to Adobe Illustrator.
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Widely used free open source professional painting application, also suited to drawing, illustration and 2D animation work.
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Freelance 3D graphics artist with a colourful cute style, also makes public domain CC0 game assets for anyone to use.
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Swedish artist who draws wonderfully cute storybook-type illustrations of the natural world. They are often beautifully flat like the pattern of a nice fabric.
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Professional community manager and Blender enthusiast. Founder of BlenderNation, owner/manager of Blender Artists, head of community at Sketchfab.
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Digital artist who creates abstract cgi images and looping videos, often with an intriguing organic feel.
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Pixel artist and low poly artist, also does music. Often makes cute drawings of cats and other animals.
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Pixel artist and digital painter, creates assets for indie games with classic 2D top-down and isometric styles.
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Professional illustrator and graphic novel creator who makes beautifully crafted digital paintings in a traditional style, usually based on historical subjects.
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Digital artist and nature photographer, especially interested in creating images of cats, dogs, wildlife and nature.
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Pixel artist who creates images within the technical constraints of the ZX Spectrum computer of the 1980s. The Spectrum hardware quirkily divided the screen into lots of 8×8 squares with up to two colours in each square, so the art based on it has a very distinctive look.
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Freelance artist who creates incredibly detailed, beautiful and spectacular fantasy art for comics, tabletop RPGs and its own sake.
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Voxel / low poly artist who creates splendid digital sculptures and dioramas out of computer generated blocks and simplified shapes.
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Creates adorable 2D and 3D pixel art, often with a warm feel.
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Pixel artist who makes images that fit the constraints of older computers, with low resolutions and limited colour palettes. Their works are often based on the Commodore Amiga computer’s graphics capabilities and the 1980s/90s demo scene aesthetic, mixed with fantasy or sci-fi themes.
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Multidisciplinary artist who mixes together traditional drawing, painting, photography and digital art.
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Professional illustrator and concept artist, world builder, uses tools like Blender to create 3D concept art. Has worked on Snowpiercer, Batwoman, Supergirl, Good Doctor, Grendel etc.
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Creates digital paintings of fantasy-themed characters, often from famous games or other fiction.
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Professional illustrator and artist from India, free open source software enthusiast who uses libre tools such as Krita. Makes art videos and tutorials using Krita.
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Creates digital oil paintings and other forms of visual art.
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Official bot account sharing articles from Blender tutorial and news site BlenderNation.
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Pixel artist creating minimalist depictions of complex objects, especially for the Pico-8 virtual game console. Currently working on a shoot-em-up with magic robots.
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Draws beautiful, colourful and surreal illustrations, combining bright colours with sometimes disturbing elements.
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Musician creating experimental percussion and electroacoustic music, and also creating digital animated works of art.
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Artist drawing amazing sketches entirely within the Notes app on iOS. They’re often monochrome or within a limited range of colours, often with a retro feel.
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Professional illustrator and graphic designer from Brazil, who combines 3D graphics with a nice low polygon handmade look.
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Freelance illustrator and digital painter who creates beautiful surreal images, often with fantastic themes, usually using Krita software.
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Creates works of experimental video art, usually involving abstract computer generated imagery.
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Environment artist who creates wonderfully atmospheric CGI buildings, gardens and cities.
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Illustrator, designer, realtime 3D artist and game developer. Much of Sikowsky’s art contains their own original designs for industrial futuristic machines, characters and vehicles.
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Artist and retro computing enthusiast creating works with robotic pen plotters. Also posts about retro computing in general, especially from the 1980s.
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Pixel artist with a fun, colourful cartoon-like style.
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Freelance digital artist and illustrator based in Romania, creates eyecatching works by mixing cute imagery with a more disturbing edge.
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Highlighting animations and images made in Blender by members of the Blender Artists Community.
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Artist and graphic designer from Germany, doing colourful digitally painted fantasy and character art often with a gay theme.
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Professional illustrator creating bright, cute images often with a stylised storybook feel.
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Video account for artist combining knitting and drawing to create unique works of art.
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Artist who enjoys drawing anthropomorphic sloths, and creates “slothified” versions of classic paintings and works of art.
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Freelance professional illustrator and 3D modeller, creates gorgeous images and renders including really cute minimalist voxel and pixel art. Often creates works that reference retro gaming and classic computers.
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3D artist creating CGI renders mainly of Star Trek sets and ships, made entirely using libre tools such as Blender.
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Systems engineer and space artist, creates CGI spaceships from alternate histories and famous fictional settings.
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Pixel artist and creator of mods for Minetest (the free open source alternative to Minecraft).
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