Grassroots initiative based in Scotland that organises workshops, user groups, hack events etc to promote open data and libre technology as forces for public good.
Fediverse address:
Grassroots initiative based in Scotland that organises workshops, user groups, hack events etc to promote open data and libre technology as forces for public good.
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Free open knowledge base, available for anyone to use on any project. It is collaboratively edited like Wikipedia, and its contents is public domain.
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ORCID is a free open identifier system which assigns a unique code for authors and researchers on academic publications, to help track the contributions made by individuals.
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Interdisciplinary science centre at LMU Munich in Germany, promoting open science practices such as open data, open materials, analysis scripts etc. Organises workshops, public talks and original research.
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Professor of Anthropology and Social Informatics at Indiana University South Bend. Principal Investigator at Digital Index of North American Archaeology. Interested in GIS/Geospatial, open data, and a more humane and equitable approach to data and systems.
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Company offering forward and reverse geocoding API based on open data, sponsors and organises Geomob events and the Geomob podcast, member of the OpenStreetMap Foundation.
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Open data on Finland’s environment, wildlife and plant life, presented in an online infrastructure for academic, scientific and general use.
Fediverse address (in Finnish):
Open science enthusiast, Data Steward at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. Research interests in human osteology and bioarchaeology / isotope archaeology.
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Data visualisation coder, interested in open data and data science. Works with governance on UK railway IT and European regulations.
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Promotes open access to science, former director of the Harvard Office for Scholarly Communication. Author of the book “Open Access” which describes how easy and beneficial it is to release works under libre licences.
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Non-profit organisation promoting persistent and openly accessible digital taxonomic data about plants, animals and fungi. Founded in 2008 and based in Bern, Switzerland.
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Open data enthusiast based in Aotearoa / New Zealand, also following the Covid situation there.
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Discussion group about OpenStreetMap for users and editors. (Click here ⧉ for more about how groups work.)
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Official account for the free open map of the world that anyone can edit.
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