Planetary scientist, science communicator, writer, podcast host. Comms specialist for the SETI Institute and the Planetary Science Institute in the USA.
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Planetary scientist, science communicator, writer, podcast host. Comms specialist for the SETI Institute and the Planetary Science Institute in the USA.
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Bot posting links to historical astronomy articles from the Australian public archive site Trove.
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Amateur astronomy magazine and website inspired by the popular BBC television series with Patrick Moore. Includes equipment reviews, advice on viewing the night sky, science features and astronomy news. Based in the UK, first published in 2005.
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Professor of astronomy at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan, Canada. Campaigner for dark skies and regulation of reflective satellites. They are also a farmer, and regularly post updates on their farm’s animals.
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Space and astronomy enthusiast, astrophotographer taking pictures of stars, galaxies and nebulae.
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Astronomer and media officer at the European Southern Observatory, in Chile. The ESO is funded by European countries who wish to observe the sky from the southern hemisphere, and is based in the Chilean desert far from light pollution.
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Amateur astronomer and astrophotographer, member of the AAVSO organisation which coordinates observations by amateur astronomers.
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Researcher posting about satellite communications, space, astronomy and related topics.
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Posting extensively about the exploration of the surface of Mars by NASA and other space agencies.
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Non-profit community observatory in Connecticut USA, run by volunteers from the Westport Astronomical Society.
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American research astronomer at the Italian National Institute of Astrophysics, currently mapping the Milky Way.
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Astrophysicist working on gamma-ray astronomy at IRAP (CNRS) in Toulouse, France. Also interested in the impact of scientific research on the environment.
Fediverse address (in English, French, German):
Amateur space artist, amateur astrophotographer and astronomy enthusiast.
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Community astronomical observatory in the Dandenong Ranges in Victoria, Australia. Originally built in 1976 for Monash University, now run as a community project.
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Astronomer at Helsinki University in Finland, interested in exoplanets, planetary systems, stellar activity, astrobiology and more. Has discovered dozens of planets including Proxima B, a potentially habitable planet orbiting our nearest neighbouring star Proxima Centauri.
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Senior Advisor for Science and Exploration at the European Space Agency, member of the JWST Science Working Group and co-founder of Space Rocks (events that mix together people from entertainment and space exploration).
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Astrophotography enthusiast based in Australia, often taking pictures of the Moon and the Sun as well as distant stars.
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Creates astronomy-related pictures of stars, planets and other space stuff based on publicly released images.
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Runs their own observatory and teaches astronomy at a local observatory, enthusiastic astrophotographer with many publishing credits. Currently based in Texas in the US.
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Processes photos taken by spacecraft to make them clearer and more spectacular, and uses free open source software to do so.
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Astronomy and Astrophysics section of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies in Ireland. Researching solar and stellar physics, space weather, planetary science, star formation, the interstellar medium, high energy astrophysics and instrumentation.
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Discussion group about astronomy. (Click here ⧉ for more info on how to use Fediverse groups.)
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Bot posting the current phase of the moon. Posts once a night.
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Discussion group about the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. (Click here ⧉ for more info on how to use Fediverse groups.)
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Engineer who posts lots of info and photos about space missions, particularly exploration of the surface of Mars.
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French astrophysics research institute looking at space plasmas, planetology, the high energy universe and the cold universe.
Fediverse address (in French):
Telescope and astrophotography enthusiast, sci-fi author, software developer and wind tunnel engineer. Runs a video channel all about telescopes including buying, using, repairing etc.
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Belgian federal scientific institute researching astronomy, solar physics, planetary sciences and earth sciences.
Fediverse address (in English, Dutch & French):
Physicist and writer, author of “Where is Everybody?”, “Measuring the Universe”, “Around the World in 80 Ways” etc. Interested in space, astronomy and the Fermi Paradox, member of the UK SETI Research Network.
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Staff astronomer at the observatory in Leiden University in the Netherlands, studying the nuclear regions of active galaxies. Also co-founder of Astronomers For Planet Earth, a grassroots pressure group which campaigns to stop global warming.
Fediverse address (in English and German):
Amateur astronomer, astrophotographer and retired physics professor.
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Astrophysicist and senior lecturer at the Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, and part of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Manchester. Hunts for exoplanets.
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Astrophysicist at LESIA, a department of the Paris Observatory in France. Studies cool evolved stars at high angular resolution using adaptive optics and interferometry.
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Astronomer at the Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille and teaching at Aix-Marseille Univeristy. Expert on exoplanet detection and characterisation. Involved in the ESA PLATO space mission.
Fediverse address (in English and French):
University professor and research astronomer who posts about stars, related phenomena and the telescopes used to observe them.
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Astrophotographer and retired aerospace engineer, posting spectacular images of galaxies and nebulae.
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Engineer and martian photographer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Also processes images taken by space probes from NASA and other space agencies.
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Astronomer and historian, particularly interested in light pollution and dark skies. Author of three books on the history of astronomy, “The Lost Constellations”, “Uncharted Constellations” and “Mystery of the Ashen Light of Venus”. Runs a consultancy business on light pollution and astronomy.
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Engineer and photographer who posts about space and especially the exploration of Mars.
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Astronomer, science communicator, Education and Outreach Scientist at the Space Telescope Science Institute, home of the science and missions operations for JWST.
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Assistant Astronomer the Space Telescope Science Institute, Associate Research Scientist at John Hopkins University, based in the United States. Posts mainly about astronomy, science and machine learning.
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Astrophysicist at Harvard and the Smithsonian, currently working on NASA’s Chandra x-ray observatory.
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Professor of Astrophysics, author of “Licht im Dunkeln/Light in the Darkness/Licht in de duisternis”, joint winner of the 2011 Spinoza prize, 2021 Henry Draper Medal, 2023 Herschel Medal, 2023 Balzan Prize. Working on the Event Horizon Telescope project at Radboud University.
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Astrophotographer and space enthusiast who takes astonishingly detailed photos from his backyard telescope.
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Intergovernmental research organisation providing European countries with observatories and astronomy facilities in the southern hemisphere.
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Research establishment in Göttingen, Germany which studies all the bodies that make up our solar system including the Sun, the planets, the asteroids etc. The Institute develops scientific instruments that are sent into space on ESA and NASA missions.
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Non-profit research organisation founded in 1984, looking for life elsewhere in the universe, studying the origin of known life, and informing the general public about these topics. Based in California USA.
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Astronomer, science outreach enthusiast, blogger and writer. Perhaps best known online as creator of the Bad Astronomy blog which highlights popular misconceptions about astronomy.
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Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, operating the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT), the Low-Frequency Array (LOFAR) and building the Square Kilometre Array (SKA).
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Instrument scientist at the Australian Astronomical Observatory in Sydney, and is working on the international MAVIS project. Horton posts particularly about telescopes and observatories themselves, including lots of photos.
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Private observatory under construction in Medina, Ohio, USA. Project leader previously operated Stephens Memorial Observatory at Hiram College, doing public astronomy and outreach.
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Unofficial feed of NASA’s popular service highlighting interesting pictures from space.
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Bot posting random photos of the surface of Pluto, as taken by the New Horizons probe.
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Research institute in Germany devoted to astrophysics, focusing on cosmic magnetic fields, extragalactic astrophysics and development of research technologies in spectroscopy, robotic telescopes and e-science.
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Planetary Scientist and Assistant Professor at the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen in the Netherlands. Investigates atmospheric formation and the deep interiors of rocky exoplanets.
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News site about space exploration, astronomy and related topics. The site is based in the UK and US, and was founded in 1999.
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Astrophotographer who posts amazing photos of the night sky.
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Automated observatory at Saint Mary’s University in Nova Scotia, Canada. Observers can request images from the telescope by registering on its website.
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Astronomer at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in the United States, and previously at (amongst others) the famous Arecibo in Puerto Rico, and the flying telescope SOFIA.
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Bot posting random exoplanets and their listings in NASA’s “Eyes on Exoplanets” database.
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Posts videos about science that are freely available through creative commons and public domain licences.
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Amateur astronomer, astrophotographer and software developer. Creator of open source libraries and applications for astronomy.
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Enthusiastic amateur astronomer and astrophotographer, runs a video channel all about astrophotography and space.
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Astronomical research institute in Heidelberg, Germany, specializing in exoplanet atmospheres, planet and star formation, galaxies and cosmology.
Fediverse address (in German & English):
Non-profit website about astronomy, posts photos of stars, galaxies and other space phenomena. It posts in English but links to articles in Spanish.
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Education centre in Germany which holds workshops, summer schools and conferences all about astronomy and related topics. Operated by the Max Planck Society, and created in partnership with the Klaus Tschira Foundation, the University of Heidelberg and the City of Heidelberg.
Fediverse address (in German and English):