MPS Göttingen (Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research)

Research establishment in Göttingen, Germany which studies all the bodies that make up our solar system including the Sun, the planets, the asteroids etc. The Institute develops scientific instruments that are sent into space on ESA and NASA missions.

Fediverse address (in English & German):

Dr Robert Minchin

Astronomer at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in the United States, and previously at (amongst others) the famous Arecibo in Puerto Rico, and the flying telescope SOFIA.

Fediverse address:

Haus der Astronomie (Centre for Astronomy Education and Outreach)

Education centre in Germany which holds workshops, summer schools and conferences all about astronomy and related topics. Operated by the Max Planck Society, and created in partnership with the Klaus Tschira Foundation, the University of Heidelberg and the City of Heidelberg.

Fediverse address (in German and English):