1980s Chiptune Bots

Three bots posting chiptune music tracks from the C64, ZX Spectrum and Atari ST.

Fediverse address (C64 music, posts every 4 hours):

Fediverse address (ZX Spectrum music, posts every 4 hours):

Fediverse address (Atari ST music, posts once a day):

Text Adventure / Xyzzy

Bot that posts randomly generated text adventure / interactive fiction scenarios. The scenarios are somewhat interactive, you can type commands as replies and the bot will reply with responses depending on what you do. Inspired by the classic text adventures of the 1980s. New scenarios appear every 4 hours.

Fediverse address:

Dr Johnny Blanchard / RE:Enthused

Retro computing expert and author. Creates videos on vintage computers and consoles, including both highly obscure and well known machines. Provides the historical context of the devices, and explores the technical details of the hardware itself.

Fediverse address (main):

Fediverse address (videos):

Fediverse address (photos):

The Great Pop Culture Debate

Podcast discussing popular culture such as film, TV, music etc, with a specific question in each episode such as “Best Tolkien Character”, “Best 1990s Romcom”, “Best TV Series Finale” etc.

Fediverse address: