Bookshop and workshop in Philadelphia USA, focused on hacking, free culture, gardening and zines.
Fediverse address:
Bookshop and workshop in Philadelphia USA, focused on hacking, free culture, gardening and zines.
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Random operating systems being used by Lex from Jurassic Park.
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Bot posting animated GIFs from the film Hackers (1995).
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Local 2600 group based in New Hampshire, USA, for people interested in technology and hacking (i.e. finding out how tech works, not criminal stuff). Holds regular real life meetings.
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Hardware and software hacking group (as in learning how tech works, not criminals) based in New Jersey, USA, which holds regular meetings. Part of the larger DEF CON movement that holds an annual convention.
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America’s second-oldest hackerspace, based in Washington DC.
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Volunteer group that supplies food, drink and other infrastructure to hacker camps in Europe and North America since 2003.
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IT expert, software developer, good guy hacker, long-time Fediverse user. Fighting for privacy rights, libre software and ethical tech. Did information security and infrastructure for Panama Papers journalists, amongst others.
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Programmer, hacker, solarpunk enthusiast, educator, activist and writer. Co-author of the Solarpunk Prompts podcast.
Fediverse address (in Polish and English):
Hacking magazine covering technology, online infrastructure, underground computing and related topics. Based in the United States, founded in 1984.
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