Magic Aye

Bot that posts automatically generated autostereograms (aka “Magic Eye”), where you have to focus your eyes behind the 2D image to see the 3D image. It can take a while to do this if you aren’t used to the technique, but once it succeeds you will definitely know it has worked.

Fediverse address:

Cat News

Posting everyday stories about cats around the world and drawing pictures to accompany them. Readers can send their own cat’s stories to be shared and illustrated by the account.

Fediverse address:

How To Do Anything

Bot that matches up random WikiHow images with random WikiHow article titles. This can produce rather baffling, intriguing or horrifying results… Posts at 2 hour intervals.

Fediverse address:

The Fedivision Song Contest

An annual event on the Fediverse where people are given a couple of weeks to create a song, then they are published and people on the Fediversevote on a favourite. Usually takes place on or around the time of the Eurovision Song Contest.

Fediverse address:

Chest Bot

Interactive game run by a bot which lets you open loot chests which may contain treasure. The treasure can be saved in an account and spent on imaginary items. (NOTE: This is all just for fun, you don’t actually get any kind of loot! 😃)

Fediverse address (main):

Fediverse address (save your loot):

Fediverse address (spend your loot):

Text Adventure / Xyzzy

Bot that posts randomly generated text adventure / interactive fiction scenarios. The scenarios are somewhat interactive, you can type commands as replies and the bot will reply with responses depending on what you do. Inspired by the classic text adventures of the 1980s. New scenarios appear every 4 hours.

Fediverse address:

Smashing Security

“Smashing Security” is an award winning podcast which is in theory about infosec, but in reality it’s a very entertaining (and occasionally slightly rude) round-up of all sorts of computing and tangential non-computing news. Features lots of back-and-forth banter between hosts Graham Cluely, Carole Theriault and their special guest.

Fediverse address: