Non-profit organisation in Florida, USA, which runs PBS affiliate TV channel WJCT/Jax PBS and NPR affiliate radio station WJCT-FM. Founded in 1958.
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Non-profit organisation in Florida, USA, which runs PBS affiliate TV channel WJCT/Jax PBS and NPR affiliate radio station WJCT-FM. Founded in 1958.
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Long-running internet indie and psychedelic rock radio station featuring human-curated mixes of music. It ran live from 1999 to 2016 as a 24 hour stream, and nowadays is a selection of 350 mixes on various platforms for streaming on demand.
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International news service of the BBC, the UK’s public broadcaster.
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The US government’s worldwide news service and radio network.
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Podcast and radio show about craft beers, with a new episode every week. Based in Georgia in the United States.
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Basque internet radio station playing punk music.
Fediverse address (in Basque & English):
Amateur radio operator, often posting about CW events on the airwaves.
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Non-profit American public broadcaster, syndicated to over a thousand local public radio stations across the US, founded in 1970. Provides non-commercial news, analysis, entertainment, educational and cultural radio programmes.
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Livestreaming, internet radio and podcast, featuring a mix of soulful house, dance, hip-hop and eclectic other stuff.
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LGBTQIA+ radio station based in South Africa, music and programming available online 24/7.
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Official account for the BBC’s research & development department, exploring and creating new technologies for use in public service broadcasting and online services.
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Amateur radio club based in the UK mixing old traditions (constitution, officers, regular meet-ups) and new traditions (online conferences). Meetings happen weekly.
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Weather enthusiast and licensed amateur radio operator, runs a weather station in Dorset, England. Also publishes images directly received from weather satellites.
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PBS/NPR public broadcaster providing news on television and radio for Boston, Massachusetts and beyond. Owned by the WGBH Educational Foundation.
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Free open source toolkit for software radio / SDR.
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The Amateur Radio and RF Club at the Ohio State University, mainly posting about upcoming events.
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German language online radio station playing many kinds of music. It also hosts regular live video stream shows.
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Non-profit organisation which runs a news site, PBS-affiliated TV station and NPR-affiliated radio station in San Diego, California, USA.
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Online library of materials related to ham radio and early communications.
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Long-running community radio station in New Jersey in the United States, broadcasting since 2000. Covers New Jersey bands and homegrown music.
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Discussion group about all aspects of amateur radio. (Click here ⧉ for more info on how to use Fediverse groups.)
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Online radio station, podcast and blog featuring shows about Sega and music from games.
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Music blog, radio show, playlist curation and record label, with a focus on lesser known independent artists and laid back underground music.
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Electronics and ham radio enthusiast, RF and antennas systems engineer.
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News service from the Canadian public broadcaster CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), founded in 1936.
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Automated account posting interesting or amusing ACARS messages from various aircraft.
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Free open source software for running your own internet radio station through the web.
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Amateur radio operator based in Ottawa, Canada, owns a satellite and HF tower installation.
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Radio station network in Nevada, USA, member of National Public Radio. Broadcasts on conventional FM radio and online.
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Emergency communications amateur radio station active in Prince George’s County, Maryland, USA.
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Small university radio station broadcasting from the basement of Walker Memorial at MIT in Massachusetts USA. Available on FM radio in the Cambridge and Boston MA area, or online via their website.
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Free open source firmware for digital ham radios.
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German-language online music radio station. The station is non-profit, non-commercial, legally licensed, and funded by the people who run it. The music is international, programmes are mainly in German, but with some shows in English.
Fediverse address (in German):
Music blog and internet radio in English and German about underground punk, noise and garage music.
Fediverse address (in English and German):
PBS TV affiliate and NPR radio affiliate in Houston, Texas, USA. Founded in 1950, run by the University of Houston.
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Amateur radio enthusiast who runs the server for other ham radio fans. M0YNG shares lots of posts by amateur radio fans looking for followers, so following him is a good way to meet others in this field.
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Bot posting Slow Scan Television images from amateur radio operators.
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Hiker, mountaineer and amateur radio enthusiast, SOTA activator. Based in the UK.
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Indie music blogger and radio show host, broadcasting on Phoenix FM in East London, UK.
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Classical and opera music writer, author of biography of Prokofiev, lecturer, broadcaster on BBC Radio 3, classical & opera editor at The Arts Desk. Based in the UK.
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Amateur radio enthusiast, interested in SOTA, QRP including morse code/CW. Also interested in hiking, trekking, arctic submarines and other topics.
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Professional broadcast engineer, managing technical operations on twenty-five radio stations. Based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.
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Amateur radio operator. Active in the Pride Radio Network, a worldwide ham radio network built by the LGBTQIA+ community and its allies.
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Amateur radio operators in South Pasadena, California USA. Connects local hams of all skill levels, and provides emergency communications training.
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Official account of the research department at Deutsche Welle (DW), Germany’s state-owned international broadcaster. It’s an English-language account as it is aimed at an international audience.
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German-language internet radio station for punk music.
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Online radio station playing mostly underground hip hop 24 hours a day, with a live show (in German) every month.
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UK 24 hour news & sport radio station, also available online. Run by the BBC, the UK’s public broadcaster.
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Listener-supported online radio station based in San Francisco featuring over 30 channels, operating since 2000 and commercial-free.
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Online radio station featuring music, spoken word and other audio made entirely by people on the Fediverse. There are two versions of the station, normal and comfy, with comfy focusing on more relaxing content.
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Project helping students talk to astronauts on the International Space Station via amateur radio equipment, hopefully inspiring them to pursue a career in STEM subjects. There are also repeaters for ham radio fans to take part.
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French language reggae music show on the community station Radio Pulsar.
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Listener-supported non-commercial independent FM radio station in New Jersey USA, also available online. Currently the longest running freeform radio station in the United States.
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US public broadcaster, PBS & NPR affiliate in Southern Arizona.
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News radio network of NPR-affiliate stations in Connecticut, western Massachusetts and eastern Long Island, USA. Founded in 1978, winner of many awards including two Peabodys.
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The UK’s main speech radio station, featuring drama, comedy, documentaries, news etc, also available online. Run by the BBC, the UK’s public broadcaster.
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Friendly internet radio station with live human presenters playing a wide variety of music from the 1950s to the present day. Live shows can be interacted with, and can also be listened to later on demand.
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Online radio station playing music from the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s.
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Vinyl record enthusiast and radio broadcaster on CityNews Vancouver in Canada.
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Independent local news site and internet radio station based in the Northwest Territories, Canada.
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Community radio show that plays records & CDs bought from charity shops across the UK. The show is also available online on Mixcloud
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