Video game news and review site based in the US, founded in 1996.
Fediverse address:
Video game news and review site based in the US, founded in 1996.
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Print and digital indie games magazine, helping people find good indie titles to play and looking at the development teams behind them.
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Fediverse group discussing Nintendo games and consoles. (Click here ⧉ for more info about using Fediverse groups.)
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French-language news and review website all about Nintendo.
Fediverse address (in French):
Game developer, writer and artist. Perhaps best known as the creator of the classic games “Prince of Persia” and “Karateka”, Mechner nowadays writes and draws graphic novels and publishes sketchbooks.
Fediverse address:
Free open source software which allows classic adventure games, graphic adventures and RPGs to run on modern, old and unusual hardware.
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Blog dedicated to video games, anime and general geek culture. They also do occasional livestreams.
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A free open source game engine for little games that can be made and played entirely within a web browser.
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Free open source transport network simulation, somewhat inspired by Transport Tycoon. It can be played online through public or private servers, and includes lots of support for mods.
Fediverse address:
Pixel artist and indie game developer, creates epic fantasy artwork and game assets.
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Artist, web comic/visual novel writer and game creator, usually featuring fantasy characters drawn in a classic cartoony style and a lot of anthropomorphic creatures.
Fediverse address:
Retro gaming and retro computing collector, posting about titles and hardware from years gone by.
Fediverse address:
Official account for the lovely site where you can buy weird and wonderful indie games, ebooks, comics, soundtracks and more.
Fediverse address:
Highlighting and archiving artwork from classic video games and their manuals.
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Non-profit archive of cancelled or unreleased computer and console games, including prototypes, developer history and assets. Founded in 1999
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Online community testing PC games on various different monitor setups and noting how they perform. Founded in 2003, currently with over 2400 games in their testing database.
Fediverse address:
Software engineer, FOSS enthusiast and retro game creator. Currently making new free games for retro computers like the ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, MSX and Commodore 64.
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Posting and sharing cool stuff about Nintendo’s Game Boy handheld consoles, including info on games, hardware and accessories. Has a special focus on homebrew development.
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Works at 3D graphics company Simplygon which is widely used by major game studios. Tingvall also creates indie titles through their own company Catalope Games, such as “Skeletal Dance Party” and “Scrap Galaxy”.
Fediverse address:
Retro computing expert and author. Creates videos on vintage computers and consoles, including both highly obscure and well known machines. Provides the historical context of the devices, and explores the technical details of the hardware itself.
Fediverse address (main):
Fediverse address (videos):
Fediverse address (photos):
Indie game developer and pixel/voxel artist, currently creating cute little games for the Pico-8 fantasy console.
Fediverse address:
Interactive game run by a bot which lets you open loot chests which may contain treasure. The treasure can be saved in an account and spent on imaginary items. (NOTE: This is all just for fun, you don’t actually get any kind of loot! 😃)
Fediverse address (main):
Fediverse address (save your loot):
Fediverse address (spend your loot):
Multidisciplinary designer and indie game dev creating titles for the Playdate console. Also co-creator of Uncrank’d, the unofficial Playdate fanzine.
Fediverse address:
Author of new interactive fiction for classic 8-bit and 16-bit computers. Currently working on “The Ghosts of Blackwood Manor”.
Fediverse address:
The oldest Linux gaming site in the world that is still operating, Holarse was founded in 2000. German-language website which also provides a variety of libre services including XMPP chat, a Matrix room and Minetest servers.
Fediverse address (in German):
Indie developer, makes experimental surreal games and software including “Tetrageddon”, “Everything is going to be OK”, “Electric Zine Maker” and more.
Fediverse address:
Discussion group about Japanese RPGs, especially video games. (Click here ⧉ for more info on how to use Fediverse groups.)
Fediverse address:
German-language podcast about the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, covering its games, hardware, history and community.
Fediverse address (in German):
Pixel artist and independent game developer, currently working on a retro styled rogue-like for PuzzleScript. Also interested in the Pico-8 pallette.
Fediverse address:
Live streaming account mainly about Linux and Linux gaming.
Fediverse address:
Does regular live streams of Linux games.
Fediverse address:
Podcast all about video game music, mainly covering retro gaming but occasionally newer titles too. Includes both computer and console games.
Fediverse address:
French-language site founded in 1997 all about Nintendo, featuring news, reviews, features, podcast and its own Discord community.
Fediverse address (in French):
Indie game developer, pixel artist, illustrator and live streamer, currently working on a 1980s/1990s-style graphic adventure with a Sierra-type look.
Fediverse address:
Chiptune composer, retro gamer, creates videos about retro systems and games. Creates new music for modern games on classic systems like the Megadrive/Genesis and the SNES.
Fediverse address:
News site about games that run on Linux PCs and the Steam Deck. One of the longest-running accounts on the Fediverse.
Fediverse address:
All about retro gaming and retro computing, mainly on MS-DOS PCs of the 1980s and 1990s. Posts include screenshots, video clips, MIDI music and discussion of favourite memories.
Fediverse address:
Unofficial bot posting status information for Nintendo network services, including maintenance and server outages.
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Posting and sharing screens, videos and news about the Commodore 64, especially related to games. Also occasionally covers other Commodore machines like the Amiga, VIC-20 and C16.
Fediverse address:
Blog devoted to Commodore Amiga public domain, shareware and freeware games, attempting to collect as many as possible in one place.
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Pixel artist and illustrator who often features people and characters from popular culture, especially video games.
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Magazine and website about gaming on personal computers, covering game news, reviews, hardware, accessories etc. Based in the UK, first published in 1993.
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Co-founder of Freehold Games, co-designer of fantasy roguelike epic “Caves of Qud”.
Fediverse address:
Podcast founded in 2012 dedicated to the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic.
Fediverse address:
Indie game developer currently working on a point-and-click adventure set in sleep disorder-themed dungeons.
Fediverse address:
Recreates classic video game pixel art as physical paintings using acrylics.
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Free open source game preservation platform for Linux PCs which lets you access your games collections from many different platforms. It includes a collection of emulators and compatibility layers to help even older games run correctly on your current machine.
Fediverse address:
Bot that simulates Dungeons & Dragons campaigns through regular polls. Visitors vote to choose what the character will do next.
Fediverse address:
Prolific livestreamer who plays Linux games on the Fediverse, with streams alternately in English or German. They also have an archive of streams on their video account.
Fediverse address (live stream, in English and German):
Fediverse address (main, in English and German):
Tips and news about MiST FPGA boards (and related boards), which allow hardware level recreation of classic computers and consoles.
Fediverse address:
Retro gaming enthusiast posting photos and making videos about classic games, obscure consoles and retro collections.
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Creator of the surreal computer RPGs “The Endless Empty” and “A Chamber of Stars”, including their art and music too.
Fediverse address:
Video game researcher, creator of the Play History video series and author of upcoming arcade history book.
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Discussion group about the Animal Crossing games from Nintendo. (Click here ⧉ for more info on how to use Fediverse groups.)
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Brazilian gaming and tech news site covering consoles and PCs.
Fediverse address (in Portuguese):
Free open source open world role playing game with voxel graphics, inspired by Cube World and Breath Of The Wild. There are online multiplayer options, and you can host your own server too. It’s available for Linux, Mac and Windows.
Fediverse address:
Voice actor best known as the voice of Guybrush Threepwood in the Monkey Island adventure games. Resident of Arizona, former food blogger, currently dining critic for the Phoenix New Times.
Fediverse address:
Indie game developer currently working on the adventure “Comet” for the Playdate games console.
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Free open source 2D game engine designed mainly for RPGs. Solarus games run on Nintendo Switch, Linux, Mac and Windows.
Fediverse address:
Free open source real time strategy game set in the ancient world, similar to Age Of Empires. It’s still in Alpha testing, but is playable and available for Linux, Mac, Windows and BSD.
Fediverse address (main):
Fediverse address (videos):
Discussion group about Minecraft. (Click here ⧉ for more info on how to use Fediverse groups.)
Fediverse address:
Retro gaming collector, posting about famous and obscure video games from the 1980s and 1990s. Often features games for Sega consoles.
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Geek culture and pop culture news and review site covering film, television, games, gadgets, comics etc. Includes air dates for TV series.
Fediverse address:
Solo indie developer making a retro-style isometric simulation game.
Fediverse address:
Independent game developer making point & click adventure games, currently working on “Shadows of the Afterland”.
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Game developer and enthusiastic user of the Godot game engine. Posts lots of tips and tricks for using Godot, and is creator of the Godot Firebase plugin.
Fediverse address:
Live streamer who mainly plays retro and indie games.
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Interested in mathematics and game development, creating roguelike indie games inspired by maths and videos with non-Euclidean geometry.
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Indie game developer currently working on Innkeep, a job simulator and RPG game about running an inn in a fantasy setting.
Fediverse address:
Unofficial website devoted to the Steam Deck, featuring game optimisations, reviews, news and guides.
Fediverse address:
Database of info about thousands of games for Linux, in English and French.
Fediverse address (in English and French):
Creates new Nintendo NES games and pixel graphics, using clever tricks to make them look much better than you’d expect for the hardware.
Fediverse address:
Popular free open source multiplatform game engine for 3D and 2D games.
Fediverse address (main):
Fediverse address (conference):
Fediverse address (asset store):
Fediverse address (foundation):
Veteran game developer who was lead dev on legendary titles for Lucasfilm Games such as “Zak McKracken” and “Rescue on Fractalus”. Most recently has worked with Ron Gilbert on “Thimbleweed Park” and “Return To Monkey Island” 🏴☠️ 🐒
Fediverse address:
In-depth video reviews and tutorials about Minetest and its mods.
Fediverse address:
Unofficial bot posting details of the latest games released on Steam.
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Fanzine for the handheld games console Playdate, available as a digital download or physical magazine.
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German-language video account that features “Let’s Plays” of popular PC games, and makes their own gaming tech videos. The Let’s Plays are mainly AAA story-driven games.
Fediverse address (in German):
Indie game developer creating blind accessible video games.
Fediverse address:
Grassroots initiative organising video game speedruns to support LGBTQIA+ charities.
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Blog featuring news and images about the Commodore 64 home computer.
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Account dedicated to Nintendo’s Animal Crossing, including events, villager birthdays, Animal Crossing news etc.
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Free open source theme park game inspired by RollerCoaster Tycoon. The game uses entirely libre assets, so you don’t need any proprietary licences to play it. It’s still in alpha testing but playable.
Fediverse address:
Co-developer of the plant-growing simulation game “Idu”, currently studying theoretical physics at university.
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Discussion group about the Steam Deck handheld games system. (Click here ⧉ for more info on how to use Fediverse discussion groups.)
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Human-curated account posting and boosting useful links for game developers.
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Spanish-language news site and forum about Linux gaming.
Fediverse address (in Spanish):
Preserving classic video game magazines, especially those from the UK.
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Magazine and website about gaming, technology, entertainment and pop culture. Based in Canada, first published in 2010.
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Podcast and forum about old MS-DOS computer games from the 1980s and 1990s.
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The hosts also post lots of retro computing stuff:
Fediverse address (Rnlf):
Fediverse address (Tijn):
Scottish concept artist working on video games and tabletop roleplaying games.
Fediverse address:
Bot that posts randomly generated text adventure / interactive fiction scenarios. The scenarios are somewhat interactive, you can type commands as replies and the bot will reply with responses depending on what you do. Inspired by the classic text adventures of the 1980s. New scenarios appear every 4 hours.
Fediverse address:
News updates about Nintendo’s Splatoon series, manually curated by a human being.
Fediverse address:
Solo indie game developer based in Finland. Creator of “Molez”, “Final Duel 2”, “Lockdown Protocol”, “Hyper Ultra Astronautics”, “Polychoron” and the upcoming “Phobos Down”.
Fediverse address:
German language gaming news site focused on Nintendo and related topics.
Fediverse address (in German):
Indie game developer and creator of the colourful retro neon title Spectrum Break for Android, Mac and Windows.
Fediverse address:
Fediverse livestreamer hosting fun community chats, quizzes, playing music, occasionally mentioning serious topics.
Fediverse address:
Official site for GB Studio Dev, the free open source game development tool for the Nintendo Game Boy. Features news, articles and guides about making new Game Boy games.
Fediverse address:
Sinclair ZX Spectrum enthusiast sharing news articles, photos, screenshots, adverts, magazine covers etc from the history of the Spectrum.
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Free open source cross-platform game engine (previously known as Xenko).
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Popular free open source GameCube / Wii emulator.
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Splatoon 3 map rotations, Salmon Run schedules, SplatNet gear etc.
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Free open source 3D game engine, for creating Minecraft-style games and worlds. There’s a large range of game modes and mods available, including online multiplayer. It’s available for Linux, Mac, Windows, BSD and Android.
Fediverse address:
Official account for the Playdate, a new and quirky handheld video game system.
Fediverse address:
Official Fediverse account of the largest news site about the video game business.
Fediverse address:
Collaborative games of Tetris on the Fediverse! Instructions are on the account’s profile.
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Retro gaming enthusiast and live streamer, especially interested in the Commodore 64.
Fediverse address:
Indie game developer, previously worked on Wii U games and now releasing on Steam and Xbox. Current release is the puzzle game “Drop It: Block Paradise”.
Fedi directory:
Bot posting adverts from video game magazines of the 1980s and 1990s, posts every six hours.
Fediverse address:
Free open source 3D motor racing simulator for Linux, Mac and Windows, with the emphasis on realistic physics. Speed Dreams is an up-to-date fork of an earlier project, TORCS.
Fediverse address:
Mathematician and hobbyist game developer, currently working on a 1990s DOS-style adventure platforming game.
Fediverse address:
Nintendo enthusiast, Super Mario Kart expert, SNES hacker, co-creator of Super Mario Kart Deluxe, and maker of the “Super Mario Kart: Under The Hood” videos.
Fediverse address:
Free open source strategy game about human history, inspired by the Civilization games.
Fediverse address:
Pixel artist and game developer, currently working on a new ZX Spectrum title.
Fediverse address:
Indie game development team based in Poland, releasing on all major computer, console and mobile platforms. Creators of “Oozi”, “I, Zombie”, “Yet Another Zombie Defense”, “Fury Unleashed” and “Yet Another Zombie Survivors”.
Fediverse address:
Game designer/writer/director on many highly influential adventure games at Lucasfilm/LucasArts and elsewhere, such as Day Of The Tentacle, Monkey Island, Pajama Sam, Sam & Max, Wolf Among Us etc.
Fediverse address:
Creates digital paintings of fantasy-themed characters, often from famous games or other fiction.
Fediverse address:
Bot generating 6 second trailer GIFs for every new game release on Steam.
Fediverse address:
Libre game developer, co-developer of the comedy turn-based strategy Hedgewars, and creator of games and mods for Minetest.
Fediverse address:
Discussion group about flight simulators. (Click here ⧉ for more info on how to use Fediverse groups.)
Fediverse address:
Indie game reviews and features site which aims to cover independently-made video games with alternative perspectives or interesting approaches, including older games which may have been missed originally.
Fediverse address:
Preserving curated Pico-8 TweetCarts to prevent them being permanently lost.
Fediverse address:
Small indie game company currently working on new games for MS-DOS featuring classic 1980s and 1990s style graphics.
Fediverse address:
Veteran programmer and game developer who has worked on many famous projects including the legendary SCUMM game engine at Lucasfilm/LucasArts.
Fediverse address:
Sharing screenshots and brief reviews of random MS-DOS games, giving impressions of retro titles from a modern point of view.
Fediverse address:
Posts photos and screenshots of old games, software and other items of computing history. Lots of nostalgia.
Fediverse address:
Studio making small indie games, animations, illustrations and handmade art.
Fediverse address:
Bot posting latest news from the Nintendo Switch Online feed.
Fediverse address:
Website and social media all about Sonic the Hedgehog, including the games, fan culture, movies etc.
Fediverse address:
An entertaining collection of videos about Linux, FOSS, computing, gaming, technology and sometimes random other stuff such as tea, vegan food and fountain pens. Were presents with a laid back, calm style which is relaxing to watch.
Fediverse address:
Group dedicated to preserving video game history, including games, books, magazines, manuals, news articles etc. They create and maintain a preservation archive.
Fediverse address:
Unofficial Pokemon site with lots of news, information and forums about Pokemon games, anime and related topics.
Fediverse address:
Discussion group about adventure games, including point and click, interactive fiction etc. (Click here ⧉ for more info about how to use Fediverse groups.)
Fediverse address:
Game developer creating 1980s-style retro PC games for MS-DOS, featuring CGA graphics. Also interested in the ZX Spectrum and Psion handhelds.
Fediverse address:
Free open source project to replace the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U online services when Nintendo shuts them down.
Fediverse address:
Free source-available 2D and 3D game engine for cross-platform PC, smartphone and console games.
Fediverse address:
Podcast founded in 2006 to review technology and games to assess how accessible they are for blind people. Also does livestreams and videos, the livestreams are available later on the video account.
Fediverse address (main):
Fediverse address (videos):
Unofficial Nintendo news site covering indie games available on the Nintendo Switch.
Fediverse address:
Indie game developer based in Ukraine, author of the 2D dieselpunk action adventure Erra: Exordium.
Fediverse address:
Bot posting backgrounds from classic Lucasfilm/LucasArts adventure games.
Fediverse address:
Gaming news site and podcast, focusing on games for Linux including PCs and the Steam Deck.
Fediverse address:
Video maker, FOSS and Linux enthusiast. Especially interested in Linux gaming and the Steam Deck, which feature regularly in their videos.
Fediverse address (main):
Fediverse address (videos):
Makes videos about retro adventure games, especially those made by Sierra in the 1980s and 1990s. Note that the videos often feature quite a lot of swearing and adult humour.
Fediverse address (main):
Fediverse address (videos):
Discussion group about the PICO-8 fantasy 8-bit games console and the games made for it. (Click here ⧉ for more info on how to use Fediverse groups.)
Fediverse address:
Pixel artist and creator of mods for Minetest (the free open source alternative to Minecraft).
Fediverse address:
Official Mastodon feed for the free open source turn-based strategy game with a fantasy setting.
Fediverse address:
Retro gaming livestreamer who tends to focus on older games and unusual forgotten titles that aren’t streamed often.
Fediverse address:
French-language account highlighting upcoming and interesting indie video games.
Fediverse address (in French):
Video game news and review site, also covering related pop culture, anime, TV, films etc. Based in the United States, founded in 2004.
Fediverse address:
Independent video game news site, featuring reviews, previews, interviews, guides etc. Covers all current platforms including consoles, computers, mobile.
Fediverse address:
Indie game studio making RPGs and strategy games with various settings including sci-fi, cyberpunk, mecha and fantasy.
Fediverse address:
Gaming video essays, podcasts, reviews etc, mainly about indie titles but also mainstream releases. Run by former game journalists and developers.
Fediverse address:
French language site about Nintendo featuring news, articles and podcasts.
Fediverse address (in French):
Posting about the latest Alpha and Beta testing playable game builds, mainly indie titles but some AAA releases too.
Fediverse address:
Indie game developers creating a village-building simulation strategy with lots of detail, including people, animals, plants, regions, economics, trade etc.
Fediverse address:
Bot posting about Sega Master System games including a text description and animated GIF.
Fediverse address:
Inspired by the classic video games, this is a bot that posts unusual crossovers featuring characters from all genres of popular culture. Posts once a day.
Fediverse address:
Working on the Playdate console at Panic for over 10 years, also a fan of Selectric typewriters.
Fediverse address:
Entertainment news site covering games, films, television and comics, founded in 1999. Available in editions for US, UK, Canada and Australia.
Fediverse address:
Online radio station, podcast and blog featuring shows about Sega and music from games.
Fediverse address:
French language website dedicated to Sega, covering both retro and current releases.
Fediverse address (in French):
Rolling release Linux distro based on Arch Linux, includes extra features for gamers.
Fediverse address:
Bot posting news, screenshots and links about the Commodore 64 computer.
Fediverse address:
Independent game developer, creating cute games (often featuring cats) for the Playdate handheld console and the web.
Fediverse address:
Electronic entertainment museum preserving video games, computers, gadgets and assorted electronic media. Based in Baltimore MD, USA.
Fediverse address:
Blog posting news and articles about retro gaming and retro computing.
Fediverse address:
Interactive bot where people on the Fediverse can collaboratively play a game of Pokemon by voting in polls.
Fediverse address:
Entertainment, pop culture and video games news site, based in the United States.
Fediverse address:
Independent game developer working on games and utilities for the Playdate handheld console, with emphasis on cute fun gameplay.
Fediverse address:
Retro game fan and game collector, also makes gorgeous-looking cakes with elaborate decorations.
Fediverse address:
Role-playing game creation system with 3D voxel graphics, which lets you make your own 3D RPGs and release them yourself as you see fit, with no royalties or licensing fees required. Available for Linux, Mac and Windows through Itch and Steam.
Fediverse address: