
Creates art based around the fictional world of Moribund, a grim desert planet with a strange surreal mixture of magic and cowboys. They also do quite a bit of world building around Moribund.

Fediverse address:

Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association

Non-profit organisation dedicated to speculative poetry including science fiction, fantasy, horror and related areas. Founded in 1978, based in the United States.

Fediverse address:

Interzone Magazine

Long-running award-winning science fiction and fantasy magazine founded in 1982, publishing short stories and non-fiction pieces as well as full colour illustrations. It publishes both established and unknown writers, and its past contributors include many luminaries such as Terry Pratchett, Iain M. Banks, Gwyneth Jones, J.G. Ballard, William Gibson etc.

Fediverse address:

Chest Bot

Interactive game run by a bot which lets you open loot chests which may contain treasure. The treasure can be saved in an account and spent on imaginary items. (NOTE: This is all just for fun, you don’t actually get any kind of loot! 😃)

Fediverse address (main):

Fediverse address (save your loot):

Fediverse address (spend your loot):