Public research university in the Netherlands, established in 1923.
Fediverse address (in Dutch):
Public research university in the Netherlands, established in 1923.
Fediverse address (in Dutch):
Research institute in Germany devoted to astrophysics, focusing on cosmic magnetic fields, extragalactic astrophysics and development of research technologies in spectroscopy, robotic telescopes and e-science.
Fediverse address (in English and German):
European Commission funding body supporting European Union research and innovation.
Fediverse address:
Organisation representing nine thousand scientists in Germany, covering particle, astro, astroparticle, hadron and nuclear physics. Aims to set up a FAIR federated science data platform.
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Environmental scientist and “eclamgelist” at San Francisco Estuary Institute. Killam is particularly interested in clams, and often posts about them.
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Research project of the University Hospital Leipzig, Germany, about clinical decision support. The main areas of focus are laboratory based rules and machine learning models to improve patient safety.
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Particle physicist at CERN, Switzerland. Lead scientist at the DESY research centre in Germany. Helmholtz Professor at University of Hamburg, Germany.
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Official account for the BBC’s research & development department, exploring and creating new technologies for use in public service broadcasting and online services.
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Helping researchers get their papers out from behind paywalls and into free open repositories.
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Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, operating the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT), the Low-Frequency Array (LOFAR) and building the Square Kilometre Array (SKA).
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Founder and Executive Director at the DAIR Institute, researching AI from an ethical starting point, encouraging safety processes to be built into AI from beginning to end, and bringing more diverse participation into AI research.
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Oldest university in Stuttgart, founded in 1818. Originally focused on agriculture and natural sciences, nowadays also covers business, economics and social sciences.
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Academic researching “big tech” corporate responsibility, sustainability and ethics at Edinburgh University.
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Interdisciplinary science centre at LMU Munich in Germany, promoting open science practices such as open data, open materials, analysis scripts etc. Organises workshops, public talks and original research.
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Works at the BBC’s research and development section, with an interest in emerging technologies like the Fediverse.
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Horizon Europe-funded project aiming at supporting emerging policy reforms and paving the way towards an Open Science-aware Responsible Research Assessment system.
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ORCID is a free open identifier system which assigns a unique code for authors and researchers on academic publications, to help track the contributions made by individuals.
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Theoretical physicist and postdoc at Dartmouth College in the United States. Interested in condensed matter and many-body physics, especially Fermi liquids, unconventional superconductors and superfluids, topological bosons, Kitaev magnets, and analog materials.
Fediverse address:
Open science enthusiast, Data Steward at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. Research interests in human osteology and bioarchaeology / isotope archaeology.
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Website and think tank featuring research and commentary on urban policy issues. Based in Portland, Oregon, USA.
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Non-profit online science magazine explaining the latest developments in scientific research and scholarship to a broader audience. All content is available under Creative Commons licence.
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Department of the British Library dealing with its digital collections, including digitising material and offering support to those researching the collections.
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Cluster of excellence at Kiel University in Germany, exploring the social, environmental and cultural processes that have substantially marked human development.
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AI and cognitive science researcher. Particularly interested in knowledge representation and reasoning in humans and machines, semantic/language technologies, cognitive systems, persuasive technology.
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Astronomer, science outreach enthusiast, blogger and writer. Perhaps best known online as creator of the Bad Astronomy blog which highlights popular misconceptions about astronomy.
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Marine science PhD student concentrating on the organic complexation of trace metals as they enter the ocean.
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Research Integrity and Training Adviser at the Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute. Interested in open science, open access, reproducibility and improving research culture.
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Anthropologist researching academia, currently working in the US, UK and Ireland.
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Linguist at the Institut für Deutsche Sprache in Germany. Interested in quantitative linguistics, corpus linguistics, psycholinguistics, text comprehension & comprehensibility, data visualisation, Rstats.
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Executive director at MIT Office of Research Computing & Data, high performance computing expert.
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Professor of Geography and the Environment at Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, New York USA. Interested in climate change, climate coloniality, sustainability, water justice, international development and political ecology.
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Critical engineer, cartographer and programmer researching and teaching interactive maps at the Vienna University of Technology.
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Research and development project to develop next generation technologies that put users first, to protect them from exploitation and privacy invasion by online service providers. Partly funded by the European Union.
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Researcher in mathematical epidemiology and modelling of infectious disease dynamics at the University of Warwick in the UK.
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Official account for the University of Limerick in Ireland.
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American cardiologist, author, professor of Molecular Medicine at Scripps Research and editor-in-chief of Medscape and
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Finnish organisation devoted to the academic study of games and gaming, from ancient board games to modern video games.
Fediverse address (in English and Finnish):
Research institute in Germany looking at general relativity, quantum gravity, astrophysical relativity and gravitational-wave astronomy.
Fediverse address (in English and German):
Managing director of the High Performance Computing Center at Texas Tech University, and adjunct professor of physics.
Fediverse address:
Astrophysicist working on gamma-ray astronomy at IRAP (CNRS) in Toulouse, France. Also interested in the impact of scientific research on the environment.
Fediverse address (in English, French, German):
Public research university in Innsbruck, Austria, founded in 1669. Its alumni include five Nobel laureates.
Fediverse address:
Official account of the research department at Deutsche Welle (DW), Germany’s state-owned international broadcaster. It’s an English-language account as it is aimed at an international audience.
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Scottish university founded in 1495, covering a diverse range of fields and associated with five Nobel laureates.
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Official account for UC Santa Cruz, a public university in California USA founded in 1965.
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Computing archaeologist, Professor for Interdisciplinary Applications of Spatial Surveying- and Information-Technology at Mainz University of Applied Sciences in Germany.
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Climate scientist at NOAA and Princeton University, working on disentangling patterns of climate change from climate variability using data-driven methods. Especially interested in the Arctic.
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Non-profit research organisation founded in 1984, looking for life elsewhere in the universe, studying the origin of known life, and informing the general public about these topics. Based in California USA.
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Maths research institute at the University of Sydney, Australia.
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Astronomical research institute in Heidelberg, Germany, specializing in exoplanet atmospheres, planet and star formation, galaxies and cosmology.
Fediverse address (in German & English):
Assistant Astronomer the Space Telescope Science Institute, Associate Research Scientist at John Hopkins University, based in the United States. Posts mainly about astronomy, science and machine learning.
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Open access peer-reviewed journal for quantum science and related fields. Non-profit and run by the research community.
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The Information Systems and Knowledge Management Lab (ISLab) at the University of Milan in Italy. Posts in English and Italian about research from Computational Linguistics to Computational Humanities.
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Research scientist who writes books, articles and blogs about artificial intelligence, as seen in major publications like Wired, Popular Science and Physics World.
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German government agency and research institute responsible for detecting, preventing and fighting disease outbreaks.
Fediverse address (in German):
Condensed matter physicist and science blogger, physics professor at Rice University in the United States.
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One of Germany’s oldest universities, established in 1477, and its alumni include eleven Nobel winners.
Fediverse address (in German):
Senior researcher at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies at Leiden University in the Netherlands. Interested in mathematical models in social sciences, social networks, complex networks, social influence and conflict.
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German government centre for aerospace, energy and transportation research, and effectively the German space agency.
Fediverse address (main account, in German):
Fediverse address (alternate account, in German):
Biology research institute in Dresden, Germany. Areas of study include molecular biology, cell biology, developmental biology, biophysics and systems biology.
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Institute promoting research, discussion and development of co-operatives and related fields. Founded in 1975 as part of the HEC Montréal public business school in Canada.
Fediverse address (in English and French):
Belgian federal scientific institute researching astronomy, solar physics, planetary sciences and earth sciences.
Fediverse address (in English, Dutch & French):
Initiative to support specialised and open review journals, which review articles from traditional journals.
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German branch of the campaign by scientists to save the planet from environmental destruction due to climate change. They are letting the world know the science of climate change, conducting research themselves and helping climate scientists to network.
Fediverse address (in German):
Interdisciplinary scientific research institute based in Würzburg, Germany. Looking at RNA as a diagnostic molecule, target and drug to combat infectious disease.
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OERSI is a search index for open educational resources, based at the website
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Spatial data scientist and researcher, interested in GIS, water, hydrology.
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Interdisciplinary research institute in Freiburg, Germany. Conducts research on immunobiology, developmental biology and epigenetics.
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Website that moderates and publishes scientific papers related to Engineering, run by the non-profit Open Engineering.
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Astrophysicist at LESIA, a department of the Paris Observatory in France. Studies cool evolved stars at high angular resolution using adaptive optics and interferometry.
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Bot posting crowdsourced news about open access in academic and scientific research.
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EU public-private partnership funding health research, part of the Horizon Europe scientific research initiative.
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Multidisciplinary secure Canadian research data repository, supported by academic libraries and research institutions across Canada.
Fediverse address (in English & French):
Astronomy and Astrophysics section of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies in Ireland. Researching solar and stellar physics, space weather, planetary science, star formation, the interstellar medium, high energy astrophysics and instrumentation.
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Grassroots collaborative research project investigating the role of dogs, wolves and horses in the Viking and Medieval societies of Ireland and Britain, covering c. 700 – 1400 AD.
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Transdisciplinary zoologist exploring animal iconography from around the world via intersections of natural history with art and visual culture history.
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Professor of digital forensic linguistics at Ruhr-Uni Bochum in Germany. Working on social media data using corpus and computational methods.
Fediverse address (in English & German):
French computing research laboratory founded in 1986.
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Particle physics detector on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. Investigating physics at TeV scale, studying properties of Higgs boson, looking for evidence beyond the standard model, studying heavy ion collisions.
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Newsletter covering the latest academic research about Wikipedia, Wikidata and Wikimedia.
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Research institute based in Germany, investigating the physical foundations of fusion power. The institute is part of the European Atomic Energy Community.
Fediverse address (in German and English):
Free open source software tools to help researchers create experiments in behavioural sciences including psychology, neuroscience, psychophysics, linguistics, behavioural economics etc.
Fediverse address:
Independent interdisciplinary research and education institute in Germany researching and documenting the history of Nazi mass crimes, particularly the Holocaust, and their impact on the present world.
Fediverse address (in German):
Multi-disciplinary outputs across the research process, emphasising societal impact and sustainable development goals.
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Research group using data from satellites to monitor sea ice in the polar regions (the Arctic and Antarctica).
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Works at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, is a professor of Sustainability Science at Humbolt University, and also advises the German government on environmental issues.
Fediverse address:
Public university in Germany founded in 1971, with twelve faculties covering a wide range of topics.
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French astrophysics research institute looking at space plasmas, planetology, the high energy universe and the cold universe.
Fediverse address (in French):
Official account of the German Federal Ministry of Education & Research.
Fediverse address (in German):