FediMeteo Illinois

Weather forecast accounts for Illinois, USA. Follow an account to see forecasts for that town or city.

Fediverse addresses:

FediMeteo Indiana

Weather forecast accounts for Indiana, USA. Follow an account to see forecasts for that town or city.

Fediverse addresses:

FediMeteo Washington State

Weather forecast accounts for the state of Washington in the USA. Follow an account to see forecasts for that town or city.

Fediverse addresses:

FediMeteo Oregon

Weather forecast accounts for Oregon, USA. Follow an account to see forecasts for that town or city.

Fediverse addresses:

FediMeteo Bulgaria

Weather forecast accounts for Bulgaria. Follow an account to see forecasts for that town or city.

Fediverse addresses (in Bulgarian):

Haus der Astronomie (Centre for Astronomy Education and Outreach)

Education centre in Germany which holds workshops, summer schools and conferences all about astronomy and related topics. Operated by the Max Planck Society, and created in partnership with the Klaus Tschira Foundation, the University of Heidelberg and the City of Heidelberg.

Fediverse address (in German and English):


A new kind of social network which works peer-to-peer, and all personal data is stored locally on your computer or phone. It’s part of the Scuttlebutt network, but has a user-friendly interface, features and branding that are aimed at a more mainstream audience. There are free open source apps for iOS, Android, Linux, Mac and Windows.

Fediverse address:

Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association

Non-profit organisation dedicated to speculative poetry including science fiction, fantasy, horror and related areas. Founded in 1978, based in the United States.

Fediverse address:

FediMeteo Spain

Weather forecast accounts for cities in Spain. Follow your city to receive Spanish-language weather forecasts in your timeline.

Fediverse addresses (in Spanish):

Adam S. Smith

Palaeontologist and curator at the Nottingham Natural History Museum, Wollaton Hall, in the UK. Especially interested in plesiosaurs and other Mesozoic marine reptiles. Author of the children’s books “The Plesiosaur’s Neck” and “The Tyrannosaur’s Feathers”, founder of the Dinosaur Toy Blog, Animal Toy Blog and Plesiosaur Directory sites.

Fediverse address (main):

Fediverse address (blog):

Fediverse address (videos):

Chest Bot

Interactive game run by a bot which lets you open loot chests which may contain treasure. The treasure can be saved in an account and spent on imaginary items. (NOTE: This is all just for fun, you don’t actually get any kind of loot! 😃)

Fediverse address (main):

Fediverse address (save your loot):

Fediverse address (spend your loot):

Wikimedia LGBT+

Global intersectional wikimedia user group aiming to improve quality and breadth of LGBTQIA+ history on Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects.

Fediverse address:

Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen / German Advisory Council on Global Change

Indpendent scientific body advising the German Federal Government on the climate crisis and other threats to the planet’s ecosystems.

Fediverse address (in German and English):

Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt / German Aerospace Centre

German government centre for aerospace, energy and transportation research, and effectively the German space agency.

Fediverse address (main account, in German):

Fediverse address (alternate account, in German):

FediMeteo Iowa

Weather forecast accounts for Iowa, USA. Follow an account to see forecasts for that town or city.

Fediverse addresses:

Dr Rigoberto Hernandez

Gompf Family Professor of Chemistry at John Hopkins University in Maryland, United States. Director of the Open Chemistry Collaborative in Diversity Equity (OXIDE). Professor in Departments of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and Materials Science and Engineering at John Hopkins. Interested in theoretical and computational chemistry of systems far from equilibrium. Also interested in diversifying chemistry.

Fediverse address:


Professional illustrator who creates excellent striking portraits usually based around line drawings with additional colours and elements. It feels like these are lost book covers or album artwork.

Fediverse address:

Dr Johnny Blanchard / RE:Enthused

Retro computing expert and author. Creates videos on vintage computers and consoles, including both highly obscure and well known machines. Provides the historical context of the devices, and explores the technical details of the hardware itself.

Fediverse address (main):

Fediverse address (videos):

Fediverse address (photos):

FediMeteo New Brunswick

Weather forecast accounts for New Brunswick, Canada. Follow an account to see forecasts for that town or city.

Fediverse addresses (in English & French):