FediMeteo Kansas

Weather forecast accounts for the state of Kansas, USA. Follow an account to see forecasts for that town or city.

Fediverse addresses:

Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights

Official account of the Commissioner for Human Rights at the Council of Europe. The Council of Europe is an independent international organisation protecting human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Europe.

Fediverse address:

(NOTE: The Council of Europe is a totally separate organisation from the European Union or the European Council. They just have similar names.)

FediMeteo Montana

Weather forecast accounts for Montana, USA. Follow an account to see forecasts for that town or city.

Fediverse addresses:

Fireside Fedi

Cosy laidback chats with familiar faces from the Fediverse. Available on multilple Fediverse platforms including livestream, video on demand, blog and podcast.

Fediverse address (main):

Fediverse address (livestream):

Fediverse address (videos):

Fediverse address (blog):

Fediverse address (podcast):

FediMeteo France

French-language weather forecast accounts for cities in France. Follow your city to receive weather forecasts in your timeline.

Fediverse addresses (in French):

FediMeteo Mississippi

Weather forecast accounts for Mississippi, USA. Follow an account to see the forecasts for that town or city.

Fediverse addresses:

FediMeteo Australia

Weather forecast accounts for Australia. Follow an account to see forecasts for that town or city.

Fediverse addresses:

Luanti (formerly known as Minetest)

Free open source 3D game engine, for creating Minecraft-style games and worlds. There’s a large range of game modes and mods available, including online multiplayer. It’s available for Linux, Mac, Windows, BSD and Android.

Fediverse address:

FediMeteo Lithuania

Weather accounts for cities and towns in Lithuania. Follow an account to see its forecasts in Lithuanian.

Fediverse addresses (in Lithuanian):

FediMeteo Prince Edward Island

Weather forecast accounts for Prince Edward Island, Canada. Follow an account to see forecasts for that town or city.

Fediverse addresses (in English & French):

Topio e.V.

German non-profit organisation which helps ordinary people “de-Google” their phones by installing privacy-friendly operating systems. They run events to help with this including workshops, exhibitions, lectures etc.

Fediverse address (main account, in German):

Fediverse address (photos, in German):

Fediverse address (events, in German):

FediMeteo California

Weather forecast accounts for California, USA. Follow an account to see forecasts for that town or city.

Fediverse addresses:

Computertruhe e.V.

Volunteers in Germany who repair abandoned computers so they can be donated to charity.

Fediverse address (main account, in German):

Fediverse address (Berlin branch, in German):

Fediverse address (Chemnitz branch, in German):

Fediverse address (Munich branch, in German):

Radio Regentrude

German-language online music radio station. The station is non-profit, non-commercial, legally licensed, and funded by the people who run it. The music is international, programmes are mainly in German, but with some shows in English.

Fediverse address (in German):


XMPP-based free open federated messenger project. It aims to make XMPP into a more viable alternative to Whatsapp etc by providing consistency in design and terminology, while still maintaining compatibility with other XMPP apps and servers. (It’s a similar plan to how Mastodon made ActivityPub more mainstream while still being compatible with other ActivityPub server types.)

Fediverse address:


A free open source video conferencing site which aims to provide a privacy-friendly alternative to proprietary services. Calls are made through the web browser using the BigBlueButton platform.

Fediverse address (in German and English):

FediMeteo Kentucky

Weather forecast accounts for Kentucky, USA. Follow an account to see forecasts for that town or city.

Fediverse addresses:


The Fediverse’s alternative to Goodreads. You can keep track of your books, write reviews, follow other readers and more. Also, as it’s part of the Fediverse you can follow BookWyrm members from Mastodon etc.

Fediverse address:


Professional concept artist and illustrator (clients include Riot Games, 20th Century Fox, Magic: The Gathering). Fan of open source software such as Blender, Godot, Krita. Interested in Eco-punk themes, working with scientists tackling the climate crisis.

Fediverse address:

FediMeteo Japan

Weather forecast accounts for Japan. Follow an account to see forecasts for that town or city.

Fediverse addresses (in Japanese):

Wissenschaftlicher Beirat der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen / German Advisory Council on Global Change

Indpendent scientific body advising the German Federal Government on the climate crisis and other threats to the planet’s ecosystems.

Fediverse address (in German and English):

Quote Me

Bot which generates nice-looking images based on specific Fediverse posts.

Fediverse address:

FediMeteo Pennsylvania

Weather forecast accounts for Pennsylvania, USA. Follow an account to see forecasts for that town or city.

Fediverse addresses:

FediMeteo Nebraska

Weather forecast accounts for Nebraska, USA. Follow an account to see forecasts for that town or city.

Fediverse addresses:

Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt / German Aerospace Centre

German government centre for aerospace, energy and transportation research, and effectively the German space agency.

Fediverse address (main account, in German):

Fediverse address (alternate account, in German):

Ian Betteridge

Blogger, veteran tech journalist, used to edit the UK magazine MacUser and is well known for accidentally coining Betteridge’s Law of Headlines: If a news headline poses a question then the answer is almost always “no”.

Fediverse address:

FediMeteo Quebec

Weather forecast accounts for Quebec, Canada. Follow an account to see forecasts for that town or city.

Fediverse addresses (in English & French):

FediMeteo Hungary

Weather forecast accounts for cities in Hungary. Follow your city to receive weather forecasts in Hungarian in your timeline.

Fediverse addresses (in Hungarian):

FediMeteo Oklahoma

Weather forecast accounts for Oklahoma, USA. Follow an account to see forecasts for that town or city.

Fediverse addresses:


Worldwide free open source software community which creates all kinds of popular useful projects such as the Plasma desktop, Kdenlive, Krita and lots more.

Fediverse address (main):

Fediverse address (videos):

Fediverse address (conference videos):

Fediverse address (Spanish language community):

FediMeteo Arizona

Weather forecast accounts for Arizona, USA. Follow an account to see forecasts for that town or city.

Fediverse addresses:

FediMeteo Alabama

Weather forecasts for Alabama, USA. Follow an account to see forecasts for that town or city in your timeline.

Fediverse addresses:

FediMeteo England

Weather forecast accounts for cities in England, using data from Open-Meteo.

Fediverse addresses (organised by city):

FediMeteo Switzerland

Weather forecast accounts for cities in Switzerland. Follow your city to receive its weather forecasts in your timeline.

Fediverse addresses:

Dr Gregory B. Sadler

Adjunct Professor at Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design in the USA. Perhaps best known for running a popular video channel about philosophy, which aims to make complex classical philosophical ideas more accessible.

Fediverse address: